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abut Meaning in Tamil ( abut வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


எல்லையோடு எல்லை சார்ந்திருந்து,

abut's Usage Examples:

The steep crags of the western end of the Taunus, where they abut upon the Rhine, are rich in the romantic associations of the great river.

Brunel constructed the towers and abutments for a suspension bridge of 702 ft.

abuts a hard surface, any overgrowing turf is cut back once every two years.

There is no rawness nor imperfection in its edge there, as where the axe has cleared a part, or a cultivated field abuts on it.

- The fortress draw-bridge is the original type, in which a single leaf, or bascule, turns round a horizontal hinge at one abutment.

Outdoor enthusiasts might prefer another park because this parks northern border abuts the county landfill.

The arch is formed by two lattice ribs hinged at the abutments.

The methods of erection may be classed as - (I) erection on staging or falsework; (2) floating to the site and raising; (3) rolling out from one abutment; (4) building out member by member, the completed part forming the stage from which additions are handled.

In these we have (1) the evaporation from the damp delicate cell-walls into the intercellular spaces; (2) the imbibition by the cell-wall of water from the vacuole; (3) osmotic action, consequent upon the subsequent increased concentration of the cell sap, drawing water from the wood cells or vessels which abut upon the leaf parenchyma.

On the east, the main cordillera abuts upon the region of plateaus and savannas, which occupies nearly half of the area of Nicaragua.

Every protoplast, except in the very young regions, has part of its surface abutting on these, so that its wall is accessible to the gases necessary for its vital processes.

High Street Sandstone detailing for the blue brick abutments of the bridge carrying the line above the high street.


march, adjoin, butt on, meet, butt against, edge, touch, neighbour, contact, butt, border, neighbor,


disengage, stifle, disconnectedness, foul ball, diverge,

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