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abuts Meaning in Tamil ( abuts வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


எல்லையோடு எல்லை சார்ந்திருந்து,

abuts's Usage Examples:

abuts a hard surface, any overgrowing turf is cut back once every two years.

There is no rawness nor imperfection in its edge there, as where the axe has cleared a part, or a cultivated field abuts on it.

Outdoor enthusiasts might prefer another park because this parks northern border abuts the county landfill.

On the east, the main cordillera abuts upon the region of plateaus and savannas, which occupies nearly half of the area of Nicaragua.

The north - eastern portion of the Afghan tableland abuts on the Himalaya and Tibet, with which it forms a continuous mass of mountain between the 71st and 72nd meridians, and 34° and 36° N.

it abuts on the Hindu Kush.

The protoxylem-elements are situated at the extreme inner edge of the secondary wood, and may occur as small groups of narrow, spirallypitted elements scattered among the parenchyma which abuts on the main mass of wood.

"Finally, at the extreme west of the whole district, Cithaeron is bent round at right angles in the direction oft the isthmus, at the northern approach to which it abuts against the mighty mass of Mount Geraneia, which is interposed between the Corinthian and the Saronic Gulf.

Tibet, the Kalta-alaghan does not decrease, but it increases in elevation towards the east, where, like the Chimen-tagh, it abuts upon and merges in the ranges that border Tsaidam on the south.

The passenger station abuts on the main line, or, at termini, forms the natural terminus, at a place as near as can conveniently be obtained to the centre of the population which constitutes the passenger traffic; and preferably its platforms should be at or near the ground level, for convenience of access.

Its western slopes, where it abuts on the mountain masses which dominate the Kabul plain, are forest-covered and picturesque, with deep glens intersecting them, and bold craggy ridges; the same may be said of the northern spurs which reach downward through the Shinwari country towards Gandamak and Jalalabad.

Finally, at the extreme west of the whole district, Cithaeron is bent round at right angles in the direction oft the isthmus, at the northern approach to which it abuts against the mighty mass of Mount Geraneia, which is interposed between the Corinthian and the Saronic Gulf.

The imperial palace (1638-1648), now known as the "Fort," is situated on the east of the city, and abuts directly on the river.


neighbor, border, butt, contact, neighbour, touch, edge, butt against, meet, butt on, adjoin, march,


diverge, foul ball, disconnectedness, stifle, disengage,

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