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abundantly Meaning in Tamil ( abundantly வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



abundantly தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இத்தகைய குத்தகைதாரர்களின் மீதான புகார்கள் சென்னை உயர் நீதிமன்றத்தில் எக்கச்சக்கமாக பதியபட்டன.

மேலும் சார்லஸ் டார்வின் இது பற்றி எதிர்பார்க்க இயலாத வகையில் அயற்பண்புடைய இனங்கள் அவை உருவாகாத இடங்களிலும் எக்கச்சக்கமாக வளர முடியும் என நினைக்கிறார்.

எக்கச்சக்கமாக மீன்களைப் பிடித்தல்.

abundantly's Usage Examples:

Those of the great cave bear (Ursus spelaeus), found abundantly in certain caverns of central Europe and Asia, show that it must have exceeded in size the polar bear of the present day.

hibiscus blossoms offer themselves abundantly.

The work of Marco Polo is the most valuable narrative of travels that appeared during the middle ages, and despite a cold reception and many denials of the accuracy of the record, its substantial truthfulness has been abundantly proved.

On the Sierra the underbrush is characterized by the pungent manzanita, the California buckeye and the chamiso; the last two growing equally abundantly on the Coast Range.

The grains of the bamboo are available for food, and the Chinese have a proverb that it produces seed more abundantly in years when the rice crop fails, which means, probably, that in times of dearth the natives look more after such a source of food.

Leeuwenhoek, in 1719, made the remarkable discovery, since abundantly confirmed, that many animalculae, notably tardigrades and rotifers, may be completely desiccated and remain in that condition for long periods without losing the power of awaking to active life when moistened with water.

Life will immediately begin to be sweeter and what you lose on this side will be abundantly recompensed on the other.

With proclamations, placaats and statutes abundantly filling huge tomes, the caprice of the governor was in truth the law.

Corundum indeed is abundantly met with in the eastern half of Liberia.

The orders most abundantly represented are the Compositae, Cruciferae, Labiatae, Caryophyllaceae and Scrophulariaceae.

In addition, iron ores (almost all brown hematite) occur abundantly, and all material for making steel of excellent quality.


extravagantly, copiously, profusely,



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