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abundant Meaning in Tamil ( abundant வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


அளவில் நிறைந்துள்ள, ஏராளமான,

abundant தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

நீலகிரி மாவட்ட சுற்றுலாத் தலங்கள் வளிமண்டலம் எனப்படும் காற்று மண்டலத்தில் பயிர்களூக்குத் தேவையான தழைச்சத்து(நைட்ரஜன்) அதிக அளவில் நிறைந்துள்ளது,எல்லாத் தாவரங்களின் வளர்ச்சிக்கும் இன்றியமையாத சத்து தழைச்சத்து ஆகும்.

ஈமுக்கள் உணவு அதிக அளவில் நிறைந்துள்ள பகுதிகளை அடைவதற்காக நீண்ட தூரங்களுக்குச் சென்றுள்ளதாக பதிவு செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது.

abundant's Usage Examples:

Monotremes (2 species) and marsupials (4 families and 44 species) predominate, but are not abundant.

The work of Marco Polo is the most valuable narrative of travels that appeared during the middle ages, and despite a cold reception and many denials of the accuracy of the record, its substantial truthfulness has been abundantly proved.

the cultivation of the honey-bee as an appreciable source of income to the farmer, the peasant cultivator, and dwellers in districts where bee-forage is abundant and, if unvisited by the bee, lies wasting its sweetness on the desert air.

"It is an abundant cropper, sometimes attaining on low-lying soils 13 ft.

In Virginia the paint-root plant (Lachnanthes tinctoria) occurs abundantly, and Professor Wyman noticed that all the pigs in this district were black.

Those of the great cave bear (Ursus spelaeus), found abundantly in certain caverns of central Europe and Asia, show that it must have exceeded in size the polar bear of the present day.

woollyceanic form of Cladonia -rich wet heath with abundant wooly fringe-moss Racomitrium lanuginosum is moderately extensive at higher levels on rockier ground.

Bamboos and palms, with Pandanus and Dracaena, are also abundant.

In Tertiary times the higher Diptera, besides Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera, referable to existing families, become fairly abundant.

The Cryptostomata are also Palaeozoic, and include the abundant and widely-distributed genus Fenestella.

The sea-birds include a great variety of gulls, guillemots, cormorants, albatrosses (four species), fulmars and petrels, and in the Gulf of St Lawrence the gannet is very abundant.

Sedgwick attacked the problem in the Snowdon district, where the rocks are highly altered and displaced and where fossils are comparatively difficult to obtain; Murchison, on the other hand, began to work at the upper end of the series where the stratigraphy is simple and the fossils are abundant.


plenteous, profuse, plethoric, verdant, abounding, galore, torrential, teeming, superabundant, easy, rich, voluminous, ample, luxuriant, overabundant, lush, plentiful, rank, rife, long, quantity, thick, exuberant, copious, rampant, riotous,


quiet, moral, scarce, meager, poor,

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