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suggested Meaning in marathi ( suggested शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

सुचवले, प्रकाशित,


मला सांग, वाढवणे, संमोहन, आठवण करून द्या, सूचना द्या, सिग्नल, विचार,

suggested मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

१९९८ मध्ये, २० व्या शतकातील मॉडर्न लायब्ररीच्या १०० सर्वोत्कृष्ट इंग्रजी-भाषिक कादंबऱ्यांपैकी एक म्हणून तिची पहिली प्रकाशित कादंबरी, 'अंडर द नेट', निवडल्या गेली.

हे पुस्तक १७-५-२०१५ रोजी प्रकाशित झाले.

नोव्हेंबर २००९ मध्ये पेंग्विनने प्रकाशित केलेल्या अनेक लेखकांच्या निबंधांचे संकलन, फ्री एक्स्प्रेस इज ऑफन्सेस मधील त्यांच्या योगदानांत लिहिलेल्या रेसियल अँड रिलिजिअस हॅट्रेड ऍक्टची ब्रिटिश सरकारची नेमणूक त्यांनी केली.

बालकादंबरी, बालकविता, बालनाट्य व मुलांसाठी ललित लेखन असे बालसाहित्यातल्या सर्व प्रकारांचे लेखन प्रकाशित आहे.

१८८१ मध्ये प्रकाशित झाली होती.

तर मराठीत या संस्थेतर्फे इतिहास, संगीत, समाजशास्त्र या विषयांची पुस्तके आणि ललित वाङ्‌मय प्रकाशित होते.

त्यांची दोन कानडी आणि एक मराठी पुस्तक अजून अप्रकाशित आहे.

पुढे गद्य व पद्य अशा दोन्ही प्रकारांत त्यांचे लेखन प्रकाशित झाले.

१९७९ साली अँथोनी यांची प्रतिमा एक अमेरिकन डॉलरच्या नाण्यावर प्रकाशित झाली.

हे साप्ताहिक अमेरिकेत आणि कॅनडातही प्रकाशित होते.

दैनिक भास्कराच्या मराठी आवृत्त्या दिव्य मराठी या नावाने, महाराष्ट्रातील औरंगाबाद(पहिला अंक २८ मे २०११), नाशिक आणि जळगांव(पहिला अंक १० सप्टेंबर २०११) या ठिकाणांहून प्रकाशित होतात.

स्त्रीवादी साहित्य सेक्चुएलिटी हे पुस्तक २००८ ला प्रकाशित झाले.

सरदेसाई' हे पुस्तक प्रकाशित झाले आहे.

suggested's Usage Examples:

suggested for the use of "chicken" in the name, one being the relative mildness of the disease.

Gunness, Director of Financial Aid at Harvard, was appointed to succeed Edwin Pratt, who retired after twenty years as B"N's headmaster in 1969, Buckingham headmistress Elizabeth Stowe suggested that the two schools should begin exploring cooperative opportunities beyond the joint musical and dramatic ventures that had begun during the Pratt years.

has suggested other factors that might have contributed to the sweep, noting that some of the A"s may have been irritated at the penny-pinching ways.

It has been suggested that they might thrive in parts of western Norway, southern Sweden, Denmark, Germany and northern parts of Poland, if they invade these regions.

The film's storyline was suggested by the bestselling, 1953 non-fiction book Flying Saucers from Outer Space by Maj.

September, Ribbentrop may have suggested that the signatories were open to accepting new signatories in the future.

Both experiments, one at each of the only two facilities with suitable antiprotons, were stimulated by calculations which suggested the possibility of making.

also known as the manufacturer"s suggested retail price (MSRP), or the recommended retail price (RRP), or the suggested retail price (SRP) of a product.

Their daughter Pulcheria has been suggested to have been born prior to the elevation of her parents to the throne due to another passage of Laus Serenae.

been suggested that King Hiram of Tyre brought gold, precious stones and almug trees for Solomon from this city that was called land of Ophir.

silent, which is also suggested in line 9 ("this silence for my sin you did impute").

Extended Phenotype suggested that one can regard bird nests and other built structures such as caddis-fly larvae cases and beaver dams as "extended phenotypes".


recommend, feed back, declare, submit, propose, urge, advance, posit, make a motion, put forward, proposition, throw out, advocate, advise, state, move,


linger, ride, ascend, recede, rise,

suggested's Meaning in Other Sites