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suggestion Meaning in marathi ( suggestion शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

सूचना, पालकत्व, प्रस्ताव,


पालकत्व, आवाज, व्यंजन,

suggestion मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

सागरी मार्गाच्या नावाने या रस्त्याचा प्रस्ताव मंजूर होऊन २००५ मध्ये या कामाला मंजुरी मिळाली.

क्षेत्रफळ असणारा भाग प्रस्तावित संरक्षित वनक्षेत्र म्हणून राखून ठेवण्यात आला.

सेलिगमन यांनी या प्रबंधास प्रस्तावना लिहिली आहे.

‘ग्रंथवेध भाग-१’ असे या पुस्तकाला म्हटलेले असून इतर निवडक प्रस्तावना भाग-२ मध्ये समाविष्ट करण्यात येणार आहेत.

नलू चिडला आणि प्रस्ताव नाकारला आणि ओमला स्वीटूला एकटे सोडण्यास सांगितले.

‘माझा व्यासंग‘च्या प्रस्तावनेत श्रीधरपंतांनी उल्लेख केला आहे-.

३] पुणे-वांद्रे टर्मिनस-अहमदाबाद वेगवान बुलेट ट्रेन मार्ग (प्रस्ताव संमत झाला आहे).

द अवेकनिंग ऑफ द वेस्ट: द एनकाऊंटर ऑफ बुद्धिझम ॲन्ड वेस्टर्न कल्चर प्रस्तावना दलाई लामा.

महाराष्ट्रीय ज्ञानकोशाच्या प्रस्तावनाखंडामध्यें तिस-या विभागांत ब्राम्हण्याचा इतिहास दिला आहे.

इंदुमती पारीख यांची प्रस्तावना आहे.

यांनी महात्मा गांधी यांचे चरित्र (१९१८) लोकमान्य टिळकांच्या प्रस्तावनेसहित प्रकाशित केले.

या जिल्ह्यातील गिरणा नदीवर असलेल्या गिरणा जलाशयातून, जामदा डाव्या कालव्यामार्फत पाणी या नदीत सोडण्याचे प्रस्तावित आहे.

suggestion's Usage Examples:

); the suggestion was that the first half of the series would take place in the United Kingdom, and the second half would see Strange visiting the United States.

Another study showed that while the short term responses were positive, they turned negative on medium-term, suggestion that moss campion may be at risk in future global warming.

gorilla, and a parody of Superman, named Super-Ang, before settling on his signature schoolboy look at the suggestion of his sister.

A sly-grog shop (or shanty) is an Australian term for an unlicensed hotel, liquor-store or other vendor, sometimes with the added suggestion of selling.

finest talents of the 20th century", and it is jokingly said that "the merest suggestion that he does not belong among the definitive all-time greats.

Amar stated that his suggestion was designed to solve the problem of Israel's 300,000 religionless, non-Jewish immigrants, many from the former Soviet Union who claim Jewish identity and citizenship, but whose Jewish status may not be accepted by Orthodox standards and the Chief Rabbinate.

At the suggestion of Bud Cowsill (of The Cowsills), he brought Twice Nicely to Los Angeles in 1968 where they recorded a few demos, but after two years, Wachtel decided to work as a session player, recording with The Cowsills and producing their albums.

These long years of frustration have left in the subject a curious affection for the infinities and a passionate belief that they are an inevitable part of nature; so much so that even the suggestion of a hope that they may after all be circumvented - and finite values for the renormalization constants computed - is considered irrational.

Carr's suggestions and proposals were the basis for the formation of King's College.

By as late as 1985, the story had entered urban folklore, with suggestions there had never been any explanation of the broadcast.

When she was 18, at her teacher's suggestion, she was sent to art school in Germany where she attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Karlsruhe.

There is also the MJC Leisure and Learning portal where students can sign up for Organised Student Activities, submit suggestions and gain endorsement for participation in projects.

However, there are also suggestions in the text, that 'Gil-Martin' is a figment of Robert's imagination, and is simply an aspect of his own personality: as, for example when 'the sinner' writes, 'I feel as if I were the same person' (as Gil-Martin).


inkling, thought, intimation, posthypnotic suggestion, idea, glimmer, glimmering,


abstain, discolor, miss, disengage, diverge,

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