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suggesting Meaning in marathi ( suggesting शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

सुचवत आहे, प्रकाशक,


मला सांग, वाढवणे, संमोहन, आठवण करून द्या, सूचना द्या, सिग्नल, विचार,

suggesting मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

द लास्ट टेस्ट ।प्रकाशक-विश्वकर्मा ,पुणे(2019).

'भारत इराण संश्लेष, भाग- १', प्रकाशक - महाराष्ट्र राष्ट्रभाषा सभा, पुणे.

पुरस्कारांसाठी लेखकाने पुस्तके पाठवणे हा लेखकाचा अपमान आहे असे त्यांचे मत असल्याने त्यांनी स्वतःवर आणि त्यांच्या प्रकाशकांवर "पुरस्कारांसाठी पुस्तके पाठवायची नाहीत.

पाठ्यपुस्तक मंडळाच्या स्थापनेपूर्वी शाळांमध्ये खाजगी प्रकाशकांची पुस्तके वापरात होती.

• बया दार उघड – सुषमा देशपांडे (प्रकाशक – लोकवाङ्मयगृह व आविष्कार).

• जगदंबा – रामदास भटकळ (प्रकाशक – लोकवाङ्मयगृह व आविष्कार).

भारतीय व्यवहार कोश (विश्वनाथ दिनकर नरवणे)- प्रकाशक - मेहता पब्लिकेशन हाऊस १२१६ सदाशिव पेठ पुणे ३०, प्रथम आवृत्ती १९६१, द्वितीय आवृत्ती १९८५, विशेष - सोळा भारतीय भाषांचा एकत्रित कोश , पं.

राम हे कस्तुरी अँड सन्स लिमिटेडचे अध्यक्ष आणि 'द हिंदू'चे प्रकाशक झाले.

महाभारत योहानेस गुटेनबर्ग (Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg; १३९८- ३ फेब्रुवारी १४६८) हा एक जर्मन लोहव्यावसायिक, सुवर्णकार, मुद्रक आणि प्रकाशक होता.

भारतामधील पुस्तक प्रकाशक कंपन्या मौज प्रकाशन गृह ही मराठी पुस्तके प्रकाशित करणारी प्रकाशन संस्था आहे.

आनंद ऊर्फ स्टीफन आनंद एक लेखक, प्रकाशक आणि पत्रकार आहे.

देशपांडे (प्रकाशक – लोकवाङ्मयगृह व आविष्कार).

पातंजलयोगदर्शन : ओशो भाग २ व ३ (मूळ इंग्रजी पुस्तकांचे मराठी अनुवाद, प्रकाशक - जीवनजागृती केंद्र, पुणे).

suggesting's Usage Examples:

Its jaws, buccal cavity, and abdomen are all highly distensible, suggesting that this shark is specialized for capturing and swallowing.

suggesting that the black morph is a selective advantage for squirrels inhabiting the northern ranges of the species, with the black-fur providing a thermal.

This stub contains the string OSCPCDOS, suggesting that it is based on the Concurrent PC DOS codebase.

He was once entertained by performers dressed as stars and constellations, suggesting a connection to the sky painting in the caldarium.

by academics and laymen, Cosmos applied the ancient Greek view of the orderliness of the cosmos (the harmony of the universe) to the Earth, suggesting.

involving fewer drugs overall, which were predicted to result in better virological responses, suggesting that use of the system could potentially improve.

proposed match, suggesting that his brother might marry her instead; he also reconveyed the estates back to his brother, preferring a life of study and the church.

subspecies Bos taurus ibericus and has submetacentric Y chromosomes, suggesting it is taurine in origin.

protein (GFP) fluoresced seconds after fusing with the presynaptic membrane (as shown by FM1-43 uptake), but non-fused vesicles never fluoresced, suggesting.

David is referred to in 1630 and Patrick in 1633 as a feuar of Kirkland, suggesting that the brothers jointly held the property.

There he developed a keen interest in tank theory believing them to be the future of warfare and in November 1916 he wrote a paper, A Tank Army, suggesting an army composed entirely of armoured vehicles.

olfactory system and large cerebrum, suggesting it had a well-developed sense of smell.

normal method was to write separately and the spend two weeks together, familiarising ourselves with each other songs and suggesting things.


recommend, feed back, declare, submit, propose, urge, advance, posit, make a motion, put forward, proposition, throw out, advocate, advise, state, move,


linger, ride, ascend, recede, rise,

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