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sinful Meaning in marathi ( sinful शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

पापात गुंतलेले, पापी,


पापाचे व्यसन, गुन्हेगार, अधर्म, दुष्ट, पानसुल, अधार्मिक, दूषित, पाप करण्यास प्रवण, अधर्मी, पापी, कलमाश,

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sinful मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

३) पापी, दुष्ट लोकांना परलोकांत स्थान नाही.

तू नटसा होउनि कोपी। दंडिताहि आम्ही पापी। पुनरपिही चुकत तथापि। आम्हांवरी न च संतापी।।.

जाफरी, जावेद पापीती (फ्रेंच: Papeete) ही ह्या फ्रान्सच्या दक्षिण प्रशांत महासागरामधील प्रांताची राजधानी व सर्वात मोठे शहर आहे.

अरे, आपणच देवाघरी पापी ठरू.

पापी, दुराचारी याऐवजी यामध्ये "खल" हा प्रवृत्तिवाचक शब्द वापरलेला दिसतो.

अशा व्यक्तींना (ज्यांनी निंदनीय कर्म केले आहे) त्यांना पापी म्हणून वाळीत टाकले जावे असा आदेशही ते धर्म ग्रंथ देतात.

त्यातील सुंदराबाईंनी गायिलेली ‘तोड तोड भोगजाल रे नरा’, ‘मन पापी भूला भूला, कौन इसे समझाये’ ही गाणी त्या काळी खूपच रसिकप्रिय ठरली होती.

ह्या कंपनीचे मुख्यालय ताहिती बेटावरील पापीती ह्या फ्रेंच पॉलिनेशियाच्या राजधानीजवळ आहे.

यमाचा दूत म्हणून कपोत हा या पापी आत्म्यांना अंधकारात व दुःखमय अशा निवासस्थानी आणतो.

नरकांची संख्या आणि नावे, तसेच विशिष्ट नरकात पाठवलेल्या पापींचा प्रकार, मजकूर ते मजकूर बदलतो; तथापि, अनेक शास्त्रे 28 नरकांचे वर्णन करतात.

तुम्ही पापी आहात असे मी कधीच म्हणत नाही.

sinful's Usage Examples:

Engaddi unveils an agreement which will deal with Leopold without involving violence and tells Richard his own sinful history.

John Paul II continued to declare that contraception, abortion, and homosexual acts were gravely sinful, and, with Joseph Ratzinger (future Pope Benedict XVI), opposed Liberation theology.

Wickedness is generally considered a synonym for evil or sinfulness.

In the state of Durango it is better known as the Caballona, where it also appears to men with sinful behavior.

German theologian Heinrich Meyer lists a number of reasons which, in his opinion, fail adequately to explain why Jesus came to be baptized by John:not in the personal feeling of sinfulness (B.

will continue to be answered so long as he does not pray for something sinful or for the breaking of family ties.

They who had gone down to the water carnal and sinful sons of Adam, straightway ascend from the water spiritual sons of God.

doctrines, righteous anger is considered the only form of anger which is not sinful, e.

Many Serbians believe that it is sinful to throw away bread regardless of how old it is.

likeness of the first Adam, but in the likeness of sinful flesh, and was traduced and treated as a sinner, numbered among transgressors: a strange and surprising.

Muscleman Ohro travels to the sinful capital of Atlantis to rebuke its godlessness and hubris and becomes involved in the battle against its evil lord Yoh-tar.

Humans are not only "not strong enough to fight evil in general", but are also not able to "fight their own sinful nature".

This way of thinking immediately pushes prostitution into the spectrum of being a sinful.


ungodly, iniquitous, wicked,


common, unimpressive, mild, virtuous,

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