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sinfulness Meaning in marathi ( sinfulness शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

पापीपणा, दुष्टपणा,



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sinfulness मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

दुष्टपणा उपयुक्त नसता तर माणसाच्या उत्क्रांतीत तो नष्ट झाला नसता? नित्शे तर म्हणतो, माणूस उत्क्रांत होत जाताना हा दुष्ट्पणाच कामी येणाराय त्याच्या.

६२) उत्क्रांतीतही माणसाच्या हिंस्रता, दुष्टपणा या आदिम भावना टिकून राहिल्या, त्या मानवी सांस्कृतिक विकासात नष्ट झाल्या नाहीत; कारण त्या उपयुक्त व मूलभूत आहेत, असे दाभाडे म्हणतात.

मराठी भाषेत क्वचित हेत्वाभास अथवा तर्कदुष्ट हे शब्द वापरलेले दिसतात परंतु तार्किक उणीवांची निर्मिती, श्रोत्यास, वाचकास फसवण्यासाठी हेतुत: अथवा दुष्टपणातूनच झाली असेलच असे नाही.

त्यांच्यापैकी प्रत्येकजण कंबरेचे कपडे घालतो जे प्रशिक्षित कारागिरांनी आकर्षक पिवळ्या आणि काळ्या रंगांनी रंगवलेले असतात आणि हेडगियर घालतात जे वाघाच्या दुष्टपणासारखे दिसतात.

sinfulness's Usage Examples:

Wickedness is generally considered a synonym for evil or sinfulness.

German theologian Heinrich Meyer lists a number of reasons which, in his opinion, fail adequately to explain why Jesus came to be baptized by John:not in the personal feeling of sinfulness (B.

inhabitants on monotheism and the sinfulness of homosexuality and their lustful and violent acts.

The text is divided into seven sections: man"s sinfulness, the transient nature of the world, death, purgatory, Doomsday and its.

[citation needed] Niebuhr argued that human perfectibility was an illusion, highlighting the sinfulness of humanity at a time when.

"Miserable Offenders": an Interpretation of [sinfulness and] Prayer Book Language [about it], in series, The Advent Papers.

likely to be more effective than the approach of framing around human sinfulness – which has failed and will continue to fail.

(capitalized in the Roman Missal) is a form of general confession of sinfulness that normally takes place at the beginning of the celebration of Mass.

ReubenThe Testament of Reuben is predominantly concerned with admonishing lust, and the sinfulness of Reuben in his having had sex with Bilhah, a concubine of his father.

by the Holy Spirit, Christ Himself being the Light to illumine man"s sinfulness and lead in the way of truth and righteousness.

to overcome their innate sinfulness, deists argued, religious leaders had enslaved the human population.

Natural sinfulness, the innate or natural tendency to sin in people.

to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah as a prophet, and was commanded to preach to their inhabitants on monotheism and the sinfulness of homosexuality and.


unrighteousness, wickedness, mark of Cain, sin,


actual sin, venial sin, original sin, keep, righteousness,

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