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singed Meaning in marathi ( singed शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

गायले, जळजळीत,


जाळणे, टॅन, लखलखीत, जळजळीत, जळून जा,

singed मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

त्यांचे मारेकरी होण्यास मला आवडेल असे जळजळीत उद्‌गारही बाहेर पडले.

शिवराज्याभिषेक :एक जळजळीत वास्तव.

त्यानंतर 'पवारांनी माझ्या पाठीत खंजीर खुपसला' अशी जळजळीत प्रतिक्रिया वसंतरावांनी दिली.

खुजे झाल्याची जळजळीत टीका केली.

तेव्हा तिने एक जळजळीत दृष्ष्टिक्षेप त्याच्या पायाच्या नखांवर टाकला.

सर्वत्र छोट्यामोठ्या सभांमधून त्याचा जळजळीत निषेध होत होता.

उत्रादकरांच्या या दोन्ही कादंबर्‍या म्हणजे महाराष्ट्रातील शिक्षणव्यवस्थेवरील जळजळीत भाष्य आहे स्वतः प्राथमिक शाळेत शिक्षक असल्यामुळेच त्यांना एकूणच शिक्षणव्यवस्थेचं अंतर्गत रूप आकळून आले आहे आणि त्याचा त्यांनी आपल्या साहित्यलेखनात प्रभावीपणे वापर केला आहे.

singed's Usage Examples:

In the agricultural industry, poultry and pork is singed to remove.

You may not be burned, but you can't help coming away a little singed.

Selak"s hair was completely singed in this incident, but he was otherwise unharmed.

These are mostly offal dishes like hrútspungar (pickled ram"s testicles), putrefied shark, singed sheep heads, singed sheep head jam, black pudding, liver.

Some of the boxes were singed by the flames of the fire that destroyed the G"D, and the smell of smoke from the blaze still lingers when one opens a box for a look at unpublished photos of the G"D.

For example, "singed rickets" during the first month of the lunar new year, sauteed peas on the.

the episode is a play on the words attributed to Sir Francis Drake who "singed the beard of the King of Spain" when he attacked the country in 1587.

The museum exhibits singed joists of the 1928-burnt old residence building, wine production records.

a traditional Icelandic dish consisting of a sheep"s head cut in half, singed to remove the fur, and boiled with the brain removed, sometimes cured in.

other than Rama, Sita and himself attempting to cross the line would be singed by flames erupting from the line.

figuratively "singed the King of Spain"s beard" when he raided Cadiz and burnt the Spanish fleet.

Pater on the Hellenist Winckelmann, who "fingers those pagan marbles with unsinged hands, with no sense of shame or loss".

Under Captain Thomas Fenner, she was part of Drake"s fleet which "singed the King of Spain"s Beard" with the raid on Cadiz in Spring 1587.


madrigal, solmizate, carol, interpret, render, troll, hymn,


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