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rascally Meaning in marathi ( rascally शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

उद्धटपणे, कपटाने भरलेला, दुष्टांच्या मार्गात, निंदकासारखा, खोडसाळपणाने भरलेला, फसवणूक करणारा, दुष्ट माणसासारखा, पेजोमा पूर्ण, डेकर,


कपटाने भरलेला, निंदकासारखा, खोडसाळपणाने भरलेला, फसवणूक करणारा, डेकर,

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rascally मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

२०१३ प्रभाकर वाडेकर (जन्म: - मृत्यू: १५ जून, इ.

देविदास दत्तात्रेय वाडेकर यांनी भूषविले आहे.

खांडेकर) : या कादंबरीच्या लेखनासाठी खांडेकरांना भारत सरकारचा ज्ञानपीठ पुरस्कार मिळाला.

अरुण टीकेकर, राजीव खांडेकर, श्री.

खांडेकर, शंकर रामाणे, बा.

|१९७४ || विष्णु सखाराम खांडेकर || ययाति || मराठी.

शंकर वामन तथा मामासाहेब दांडेकर हे जोग महाराजांचे अतिशय प्रिय शिष्य होते.

दांडेकर, शांता शेळके, वसंत बापट, विजय तेंडुलकर आणि द.

संजीव खांडेकरांचे सर्च इंजिन).

आनंद विहार-लखनौ डबल डेकर एक्सप्रेस.

तंडेकर तांडेल (नावांचा किंवा नाविकांचा पुढारी) 'मांगेल' हा शब्द 'मांग + इल' अशा दोन शब्दांचा समास आहे.

rascally's Usage Examples:

Philolexian gathering was disrupted by "those rascally Peithologians"; firecrackers and stink bombs, tossed into the midst of each other"s meetings, were.

stories in his excellent collection Stay of Execution (1971) in which rascally solicitors "get away with it", "Back on the Shelf" and "Mr Portway"s Practice".

fellow tomorrow?" The next day the "rascally fellow" was revealed to be a delator or informer who had brought charges on Clemens; the former Urban Prefect.

The subtitle refers to the capadócio, also called malandro carioca: a rascally character of the Rio de Janeiro Carnival.

to Clemens and asked, "Shall we listen to that rascally fellow tomorrow?" The next day the "rascally fellow" was revealed to be a delator or informer.

Jonathan Swift attributed this event to "the carelessness of the rascally French servants".

works as an industry troubleshooter and sleuth (aided and abetted by his rascally and long-suffering assistant Punk Sanderson).

the high life under the Directory, having a liaison with the rascally arriviste N.

A rascally child recruits his friends as assistants to help his father get elected.

Henkle[who?] as "rascally, wenching, brawling .

Friar Rush, a rascally devil in the guise of a friar, who murderously subverts the abbot"s household while seeming to make himself useful in the kitchen.

and expressive features and quick, nervous gestures, he was noted as the rascally servant in such plays as Le Barbier de Séville and Les Fourberies de Scapin.

Hödekin and Friar Rush, a rascally devil in the guise of a friar, who murderously subverts the abbot"s household while seeming to make himself useful in.


roguish, dishonorable, scoundrelly, blackguardly, dishonest,


trustworthy, true, straight, sincere, honest,

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