railways Meaning in marathi ( railways शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
लोखंडी, रेल्वेमार्ग, ट्रेन वर,
रेल्वेमार्ग, ट्रेन वर,
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railways मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
अंतरावर स्थानक असलेला रेल्वेमार्ग आधारित सार्वजनिक जलद परिवहन उपलब्ध करून देणे व ज्या क्षेत्रांत उपनगरीय रेल्वे नाही, तेथे ही सेवा उपलब्ध करणे व तसेच, त्या क्षेत्रांना एकत्र जोडणे.
त्यांचा मुलगा अब्दुल हुसेन आदमजी पीरभॉय ह्याने १९०७ साली नेरळ-माथेरान रेल्वेमार्गाचे बांधकाम पूर्ण केले.
भारतीय रेल्वे फॅन क्लब फोटो गॅलरी: मेमू एक दुहेरी एकक किंवा ट्विनसेट रेल्वेमार्गाच्या दोन डब्यांचा किंवा इंजिनचा संच आहे ज्या कायमस्वरुपी जोडल्या जातात आणि मानल्या जातात की जणू काय ते एकच एकक आहे.
संदर्भ: संत साहित्य नागपूर छत्तीसगड रेल्वेचे प्रादेशिक सरकारच्या मालिकाचा १,००० मिमी मीटरमापी रेल्वेमार्ग होता.
हांगचौ-षेंचेन द्रुतगती रेल्वेमार्ग निंगबोमधूनच धावतो.
भारताचे प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी यांनी उच्च-गती रेल्वेमार्ग बांधण्यास जपान ची निवड केली.
भारत देशामध्ये रेल्वे वाहतूकीसाठी ब्रॉड गेज वापरात असला तरीही बहुतेक सर्व शहरांमधील मेट्रो रेल्वेमार्ग स्टॅंडर्ड गेजच वापरतात.
द्रुतगती रेल्वेमार्ग बांधण्याऐवजी विद्यमान मार्गांचा वापर करून द्रुतगती रेल्वेसेवा सुरू करण्यासाठी रेल्वेचे प्रयत्न सुरू होते.
हिण्डौन सिटी रेल्वे स्थानक दिल्ली-मुंबई रेल्वेमार्गावरील एक प्रमुख स्थानक आहे.
हे स्थानक मुंबई उपनगरी रेल्वेच्या मध्य रेल्वेमार्गावर असून मुंबईहून खोपोलीकडे धावणाऱ्या सगळ्या लोकल गाड्या येथे थांबतात.
मुंबई–चेन्नई रेल्वेमार्ग.
मध्य रेल्वेची स्थानके वांबोरी रेल्वे स्थानक दौंड मनमाड रेल्वेमार्गावरील स्थानक आहे.
मंगळूर ते मुंबईदरम्यान ही गाडी कोकण रेल्वेमार्गावरून धावते.
railways's Usage Examples:
An act of parliament was passed on 28 March 1793, allowing the newly formed canal company to raise £100,000 in shares, with an additional £50,000 if required, and to construct railways to link the canal to mines, quarries and iron works.
Two weeks after the agreement signed with French companies, the Government made an offer of £ 125 million to British companies although the railways were finally acquired at £150 million.
He was also somewhat critical of the existing railways.
pedestrians or other vehicles of any sort, and which is often grade-separated in tunnels or on elevated railways.
different modes of transport are air, water, and land transport, which includes Rails or railways, road and off-road transport.
in any infrastructure asset, railways must keep up with periodic inspection and maintenance in order to minimize the effect of infrastructure failures.
company to keep its identity through the Railways Act 1921, which amalgamated it with the remaining independent railways within its territory, and it was finally.
This ride was typical of scenic railways.
railways would not accept ties cut with a saw, as it was claimed that the kerf of the saw splintered the fibres of the wood, leaving them more likely to.
Communication signals for railways using Morse's telegraph led to Edison discovering how to speak into a microphone creating bumps on a disc that could be played back—the record player.
In the 1880s the arrival of the railways and the discovery of oil made the Terek Oblast one of the wealthiest in the Caucasus, resulting in a large growth in Cossack and indigenous mountain populations.
The department of railways paid for the construction of the railway station and ramps while the local council paid for the road bridge over the line at the southern end of the station.
They were distributed across most of the GWR network and, after nationalisation of the railways in 1948, across the British Railways Western Region, and also other regions.
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