rain water Meaning in marathi ( rain water शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
पावसाचे पाणी, गगनांबु,
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rain water's Usage Examples:
On the other side of the valley is a waterfall formed by the rain waters and one have to walk over and look down to find a slope that falls over 1, 000"nbsp;ft.
The main purpose of a sough is to drain water from the.
glacial melts no longer drains into the lake, it is filled with fresh rain water which runs through the surrounding forest floor, collecting tannins, giving.
stone and earthen dam constructed by the British was commissioned for rain water harvesting in 1947.
Digging ponds, lakes, canals, expanding the water reservoir, and installing rain water catching ducts and filtration.
A plumbing fixture is an exchangeable device which can be connected to a plumbing system to deliver and drain water.
deterioration, including cracks in the roof through which rain water percolates into the sanctum.
Ground water in Chennai is replenished by rain water and average rainfall in Chennai is 1276 mm.
All the profiled architectural features (pinnacles, gargoyles, gadroons) had been either destroyed by the rain water or were unmounted.
The Government has since, starting from 1996, improved drainage and installed Singapore's first underground water detention tank to store excess rain water from the estate that would be discharged after the rain has stopped.
backrest let rain water and wind pass through and wide base makes it hard to tip over.
even better, drill at a gentle upward slope to drain water and assist tramming ore and waste) until it encountered veins of ore previously worked from.
A ditch can be used for drainage, to drain water from low-lying areas, alongside roadways.
water of crystallization, liquid, bath water, dishwater, fresh water, perspiration, atomic number 1, freshwater, snow mist, ice, distilled water, brine, tap water, atomic number 8, water ice, teardrop, flake, hard water, oxygen, spring water, holy water, well water, water of crystallisation, ice crystal, water of hydration, sudor, limewater, O, body of water, ground water, frost mist, soft water, bilge water, H, frost snow, bilge, meltwater, ice needle, H2O, binary compound, saltwater, slush, poudrin, snowflake, tear, diamond dust, seawater, sweat, hydrogen,
fresh water, saltwater, soft water, hard water, linger,