rain forest Meaning in marathi ( rain forest शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
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rain forest's Usage Examples:
Few white people of Anglo-Saxon heritage live in Guyana and most are there visiting for scientific research in the savannahs or rain forest or visiting on Christian missionary campaigns.
By turning rain forests into new agricultural land, the structure of the region is heavily damaged.
While the rescuers and the rescued are all slogging it out of the ultimate rain forest, the reptilian AAnn empire is fomenting.
In it, Rima, a primitive girl of the shrinking rain forest of South America, meets Abel, a political fugitive.
Compared to the similar North American forest, the Valdivian temperate rain forest is considerably richer in species, a characteristic that is also found.
nubigena) is a species of podocarp, endemic to the Valdivian temperate rain forests of southern Chile and adjacent southwestern Argentina.
The ecology of trees in the tropical rain forest.
[1]Economy and environmentSouthern Ethiopia, including Sidamo, Kaffa, Arsi and Harar is the original home of coffee which grows wild here in the mountain rain forests in countless varieties.
The island has a tropical rain forest climate (Af), with average daytime temperatures of .
subhumid forests Puerto Rican moist forests Sri Lanka lowland rain forests Peninsular Malaysian peat swamp forests Borneo peat swamp forests New Caledonia.
Tropical rain forests have been subjected to heavy logging and agricultural clearance throughout.
The WWF has urged Asia Pulp " Paper (APP), one of the world's most notorious deforesters especially in Sumatran rain forests, to become an environmentally responsible company; in 2012, the WWF launched a campaign to remove a brand of toilet paper known to be made from APP fiber from grocery store shelves.
The golden-mantled tree-kangaroo (Dendrolagus pulcherrimus) is a species of tree-kangaroo endemic to the Northern New Guinea montane rain forests ecoregion.
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