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kinswoman Meaning in marathi ( kinswoman शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

नातेवाईकाची बायको, नातेवाईक, नातेवाईक स्त्री, मैत्रीण,


मैत्रीण, नातेवाईकाची बायको,

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kinswoman मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

चूक भूल द्यावी घ्यावी (निर्मिती सावंत - ३, राजाभाऊंच्या सासूबाई/प्रेयसी-राजाभाऊंची मैत्रीण/दाक्षिणात्य शेजारीण).

दुसरा खाजगी विभाग, केवळ मैत्रीण सदस्यांसाठीच राखीव असून, या विभागातील लेखन वाचण्यासाठी मैत्रीण.

"द ब्लड ऑफ ऑलिम्पस" च्या शेवटी, पर्सी आणि त्याची मैत्रीण, अ‍ॅनाबेथ यांनी न्यूयॉर्कमध्ये उच्च माध्यमिक विद्यालय एकत्रितपणे पूर्ण करण्याचा आणि न्यू रोममधील महाविद्यालयीन शिक्षण घेण्याची योजना उघड केली.

गीता, सुनीलची मैत्रीण म्हणून उषा नाईक.

तिला सामान्यतः सीतेची मैत्रीण आणि तिच्या संकटात एक विश्वासू सहकारी म्हणून चित्रित केले आहे.

आईची रखमा नावाची बालमैत्रीण तेथील राजघराण्यात दिली होती.

या काळातच धनंजयने त्याच्या बॉस माधुरी आणि परश्याने आपली बालमैत्रीण कमळी यांच्याबरोबर सूत जमवलेले असते.

अदिती द्रविड ईशा (शनायाची मैत्रीण).

मला म्हणाला होता, माझ्या लहानपणीची जीवलग मैत्रीण आहे.

दमयंती (किरणची मैत्रीण).

वर्ष २०१४ मध्ये अरिजित ने आपली मैत्रीण कोयेल रॉयशी विवाह केला.

तिचे रडणे ऐकून घरात काम करत असलेली तिची मैत्रीण व बहीण सिद्धेश्वरी तिथे धावत पोहोचली व आपल्या बहिणीला झाकून तिने स्वतःच्या अंगावर छडीचा मार सोसला.

दुसरी सुप्रिया (ऊर्फ उरुवी) ही पुकेय देशाची राजकन्या व दुर्योधनाच्या पत्नीची-भानुमतीची मैत्रीण होती.

kinswoman's Usage Examples:

On 10 April 1336, Albert married a kinswoman, the Scandinavian heiress Euphemia of Sweden and Norway.

Anglo-Norman noblewoman and kinswoman of King Henry I of England.

Having, by a bold speech, revived the drooping hopes of his brother Crusaders, and reproved the queen and his kinswoman for tampering with the Scot, Richard received him, disguised as a Nubian slave, as a present from Saladin, with whom he had been induced to spend several days.

nuns that were known for their skills in medicine, from the death of her kinswoman Hilda in 680, first jointly with her mother, then alone.

wife Meite, who was associated with him in the priestly office, was a kinswoman of Eunapius the biographer.

Eleanor was styled as a "kinswoman" of Edward II on two occasions; once in 1318 and again in 1322 presumably.

of Lichfield (died 1603) was a colourful character at the court of his kinswoman, Elizabeth I of England.

Amyntas had another wife, a fellow kinswoman named Gygaea, who had three children.

21 December 1582), and Margaret Cave, the daughter of Sir Ambrose Cave, in his chamber by the Watergate at Westminster Keyes secretly married the Queen's kinswoman Lady Mary Grey, one of the three daughters of Henry Grey, 1st Duke of Suffolk and Frances Brandon.

later mentions to Prince Hal and Poins that Falstaff will be seeing her, primly referring to her as "a proper gentlewoman, sir, and a kinswoman of my master"s".

, bringing him the dowry of Casamassima and Conversano, apparently was not this Catherine but a kinswoman, perhaps daughter of Giovanni Antonio or daughter of Gabriel, Duke of Venosa.

Gabriel married Bocskai's kinswoman, Anna Horváth Palocsai, about two months later.

In 1751, he succeeded to the Luton Hoo estates of a kinswoman Miss Frances Napier.


aunty, aunt, niece, auntie, female sibling, relative, relation,


ancestor, descendant, nephew, male sibling, uncle,

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