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kipping Meaning in marathi ( kipping शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

किपिंग, झोप,

झोपलेले असणे,



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kipping मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

तेव्हा गरुडावरून जाणाऱ्या विष्णूने पुष्पभद्रा नदीच्या तीरावर उत्तरदिशेस डोके ठेवून झोपलेल्या एका हत्तीस पाहिले.

मऊ गादीचा त्याग करून कडक पण उबदार बिछान्यावर झोपणे सुरू करावे.

त्यांच्या झोपडीत कायम एक शेकोटी पेटलेली असते तिला हे लोक परसा म्हणतात.

शहरातील झोपडपट्ट्या ही गरिबांच्या परिस्थितीची तिची पहिली ओळख होती.

तसेच झोपण्याआधी गरम पाण्याने अंघोळ केल्यास गाढ झोप लागते आणि स्वप्नदोषाचे प्रमाण कमी होण्यास मदत होते.

झोप व मेंदू याचा अतिशय निकटचा संबंध असतो.

रुग्णास एका कडेवर झोपवा.

रात्री भोजनोत्तर शतपावली केल्यास वेळेवर आणि शांत झोप लागते.

तो भाग उठ-बस,झोप,उभे असणे किंवा चालणे या शरीरक्रियांचे संदेश मेंदुकडे प्रक्षेपित करतो.

आणि ते त्यांच्या नैसर्गिक परिस्थितीत कसे खातात, खेळतात, झोपतात इत्यादींचे त्यांनी निरीक्षण केले.

आळस आल्यावर, दुसरे कोणी जांभई देत असल्यास किंवा झोप येऊ घातली असल्यास ही क्रिया घडते.

3 मार्च 1 9 00 रोजी चक्रधरपूरच्या जामकोपई जंगलात त्यांनी झोपडपट्टी केली होती आणि त्याच्या आदिवासी गनिमी सैन्यासह ब्रिटिश सैन्याविरुद्ध लढत होते.

kipping's Usage Examples:

skipping rope (British English) or jump rope (American English) is a tool used in the sport of skipping/jump rope where one or more participants jump.

On the right-hand side of the phone there are three keys - two for controlling volume, skipping through tracks in the Media Player and zooming in and out when in camera mode.

To otherwise misrepresent how much of a card was read—either by stopping early or by skipping underlined.

Although there are no sandy beaches on the firth"s coast, its pebbled shores are excellent for stone skipping, and popular amongst artists wanting.

and often instructs him to pretend to be a horse when they are playing, "lungeing" him with a skipping rope.

Gappy bigrams or skipping bigrams are word pairs which allow gaps (perhaps avoiding connecting words.

stones" (片石(仔) [pin sek (tzai)]) Catalan: "making step-stone bridges" (fer passeres); "making furrows" (fer rigalets); "skipping stones" (llençar passanelles).

Among those expressing such a desire for the organizational independence of RILU from the Comintern was Big Bill Haywood of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) — an individual already living in Moscow after skipping bail to avoid a lengthy prison sentence under the Espionage Act.

The LFS garbage collector turns dirty segments into clean ones by copying live blocks from the dirty segment into the current segment and skipping the rest.

in a different tone, Sunday: Tone One, Monday: Tone Two, skipping the grave tone (Tone Seven) In accordance with Old Testament practice, the day is considered.

Buffy withdraws from school in order to better look after Dawn, who has been skipping school and shirking her responsibilities since.

The Estate Planning Certificate (exposes students to federal estate, gift and generation-skipping taxation issues, as well as federal income taxation of trusts and estates.

accurately, closes loopholes that previously allowed some companies to underfund their plans by skipping payments, and raises the cap on the amount employers.


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