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kipped Meaning in marathi ( kipped शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

किप केले, झोप,

झोपलेले असणे,



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kipped मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

तेव्हा गरुडावरून जाणाऱ्या विष्णूने पुष्पभद्रा नदीच्या तीरावर उत्तरदिशेस डोके ठेवून झोपलेल्या एका हत्तीस पाहिले.

मऊ गादीचा त्याग करून कडक पण उबदार बिछान्यावर झोपणे सुरू करावे.

त्यांच्या झोपडीत कायम एक शेकोटी पेटलेली असते तिला हे लोक परसा म्हणतात.

शहरातील झोपडपट्ट्या ही गरिबांच्या परिस्थितीची तिची पहिली ओळख होती.

तसेच झोपण्याआधी गरम पाण्याने अंघोळ केल्यास गाढ झोप लागते आणि स्वप्नदोषाचे प्रमाण कमी होण्यास मदत होते.

झोप व मेंदू याचा अतिशय निकटचा संबंध असतो.

रुग्णास एका कडेवर झोपवा.

रात्री भोजनोत्तर शतपावली केल्यास वेळेवर आणि शांत झोप लागते.

तो भाग उठ-बस,झोप,उभे असणे किंवा चालणे या शरीरक्रियांचे संदेश मेंदुकडे प्रक्षेपित करतो.

आणि ते त्यांच्या नैसर्गिक परिस्थितीत कसे खातात, खेळतात, झोपतात इत्यादींचे त्यांनी निरीक्षण केले.

आळस आल्यावर, दुसरे कोणी जांभई देत असल्यास किंवा झोप येऊ घातली असल्यास ही क्रिया घडते.

3 मार्च 1 9 00 रोजी चक्रधरपूरच्या जामकोपई जंगलात त्यांनी झोपडपट्टी केली होती आणि त्याच्या आदिवासी गनिमी सैन्यासह ब्रिटिश सैन्याविरुद्ध लढत होते.

kipped's Usage Examples:

The elements that are skipped over may be chosen probabilistically or deterministically, with the former being more common.

He once skipped several practices.

"skipped over the ooze and water as if he were running on a cinder track, sidestepping a small lake and a Penn tackler with one and the same motion.

If a known number of samples will be missed, one can adjust a weighted average for this as well, by giving equal weight to the new sample and all those to be skipped.

Example 6 shows a cambiata at * as a nonharmonic tone which is skipped to, rather than as a dissonance which is skipped.

Frances Academy, she frequently skipped school, and her truancy resulted in her being brought before the juvenile court on January 5, 1925, when she was.

[permanent dead link] "Inmates" ombudsman shirked duties, often skipped work: AG".

The letter "J" ("Juliet"), originally skipped, may be used to indicate.

The DVD reader software inside the DVD player automatically generates chapters for parts of the DVD lacking navigation commands, allowing them to be fast-forwarded or skipped; pressing the menu button, even in these previously restricted sections, will cause a jump to the main menu.

are often described as a skipped beat, rapid fluttering in the chest, pounding sensation in the chest or neck, or a flip-flopping in the chest.

answers, problems skipped up to the last attempted question and markovers/erasures, (so if the student above missed one and skipped three questions the student.

collecting idle chat that occurs during church service, and mispronounced, mumbled or skipped words of the service, to take to Hell to be counted against.

Losing My Mind and Young Man, Old Man were called highlights by Jane Stevenson of the Toronto Sun, though elsewhere the former was called woeful and the latter a 'Freddie's Dead' vamp that should have been skipped.


sleep late, rest, catnap, estivate, aestivate, sleep, hole up, nap, bundle, practice bundling, log Z's, hibernate, sleep in, catch a wink, slumber, catch some Z's,


aestivate, estivate, be active, wake, hibernate,

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