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inspirationally Meaning in marathi ( inspirationally शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


प्रेरणेने, उत्साहवर्धक पद्धतीने,

inspirationally मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

या वेबसाईटनुसार चित्रपट निबंध म्हणजे अशी "संकेतयुक्त आणि जिव्हाळ्याची" शैली जी " काल्पनिक चित्रपट आणि माहितीपटांच्या सीमारेषेवर "कल्पक, आनंदी खेळकर, आणि विलक्षण" उत्साहवर्धक पद्धतीने व्यक्त होणारी चित्रपट निर्मात्याच्या चिंताग्रस्त मनाची भावना पकडते.

inspirationally's Usage Examples:

Claude) LaMarre"s turgid take has very little to offer dramatically or inspirationally.

The blessing had mentioned the "gift of singing inspirationally.

Comics "event" in January 2009, that editor Dan DiDio described as "inspirationally tied to Final Crisis," with focus placed on the villains of the particular.

" Moreover, this Comment should be arrived at "inspirationally," as the Book itself had been.

magazine, Stephen Holden described Living in the Material World as "inspirationally, opulently, romantic" and referred to "The Day the World Gets "Round".

Titans #59–60 Terror Titans #1–6 In a move Dan DiDio described as "inspirationally tied to Final Crisis," in early 2009 the villains took over the main.

early-season personal tragedy that nevertheless drove him to perform inspirationally.

high shot from Noel "Crusher" Cleal while playing brilliantly and inspirationally.

luxuriate in the attention it attracts, sounds ironically happy to wallow inspirationally instead of seeking exorcism".

Elijah Comfort, aged 63 and who had worked before in the pottery, and inspirationally, in 1927, Sidney Tustin (aged 13).

through the 1940s, 50s and 60s, NYCHA stopped naming the buildings inspirationally knowing there would be many tenant applications and the development.

barely less harsh, Corin Tucker"s enormous voice never struggles more inspirationally against the world outside than when it"s facing down the dilemmas of.

Zealand prime ministers, he was a quick-witted orator and able to speak inspirationally to topics, yet was sensitive to criticism and adverse to conflict.

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