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inspirit Meaning in marathi ( inspirit शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

प्रेरणा, अॅनिमेट करा, रोजीरोटी कमावणे, पुनरुज्जीवित करा, रेडिएट, धैर्य द्या, उत्तेजित करा, प्रोत्साहन देणे,

आत्म्याने प्रवेश करा,


रोजीरोटी कमावणे, प्रोत्साहन देणे, रेडिएट,

inspirit's Usage Examples:

the Count of Oeyras, afterwards distinguished by the title of Pombal, inspirited by the vigorous succours of the English, and directed by the military.

ambitions: "I think that I can maintain myself, and there is something inspiriting in the idea.

Rudolph Hommes announced the new aperture politic for international trade inspirited in the Russian perestroika and the creation of the National bank for international.

sense of a somewhat separate presence of Jews within and throughout and inspiriting Europe.

invites silence, it creates a light shimmering with colours, it animates, inspirits, calls for meditation and creates a flair that opens for the religious".

He was inspirited by essential protectors: Ekajati and Kyabjyuk Rahula and Vajra Sadhu Lekpa.

A cartoony house Yo-kai of the Mysterious Tribe who causes anyone it inspirits to party harder than usual.

"Lane 8 and Yotto reconvene for inspiriting collaboration, "Buggy"".

"CONNECT 2015 – Australia"s most awe-inspiriting tech EXPO".

another Yo-kai, which can be positive or negative depending on if the inspirited is a teammate or not), end turn (which will end the Yo-kai"s turn), item.

Mor designs jewelry by being inspirited by personal relationship to her clients, by history, femininity and strength.

can evolve into Bowminos (a domino-shaped Yo-kai who makes anyone it inspirits give sincere apologies) and can be fused with Merican Flower to become.

It inspirits demons and gods, gives birth to heaven and earth.


spirit, liven up, invigorate, enliven, spirit up, animate, liven,


deaden, dull, happiness, unhappiness, courage,

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