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inspirer Meaning in marathi ( inspirer शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

प्रेरणा देणारा

एक नेता जो कृती लोकांना प्रेरणा देतो आणि प्रेरित करतो,

inspirer's Usage Examples:

October 1806: Humide et froid séjour fait par et pour le crime Où le crime en riant immole sa victime Que peuvent inspirer tes fers et tes barreaux Quand un.

Gabriel Aresti was one of the greatest inspirers of the modern culture in Basque language (though he always found the sources.

"a man inspired by the Devil to lead good men to their doom, the great subverter, the teacher of evil, le docteur de la scélératesse, the inspirer of St.

Louise Catherine Breslau, of whom she was the companion, the muse and the inspirer.

It is notable mainly for being the birthplace of Michael Cusack, the inspirer and co-founder of the Gaelic Athletic Association.

ISBN 9781493736102 Plantes Comestibles: Le guide pour vous inspirer à choisir et cultiver des plantes comestibles hors du commun.

popularization of the unique Japanese genre Class S, one of the main inspirers and influential authors was Yoshia.

including the head of the religious sect Pir-Ishan and the ideological inspirers of the Basmachi by the kurbashi Ishan-Palvan and Domullo-Donahan.

After the death of McCorkindale in 1872 who was the fledgling community"s inspirer, the grand plans of an industrial and commercial centre faltered and many.

alternative banking, the GLS Bank, reformer of the German welfare system and inspirer of the movement for Ethical banking.

Sovjet, inspirert av løperesset Olga Bondarenko, vant maratonstafetten.


galvaniser, leader, galvanizer,


follower, employee, inferior, sheep,

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