inspector general Meaning in marathi ( inspector general शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
इन्स्पेक्टर जनरल, महानिरीक्षक,
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inspector general मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
आंतरराष्ट्रीय नेमबाज निवृत्त पोलीस महानिरीक्षक टी.
एक विभाग म्हणून, लडाखला स्वतःचे विभागीय आयुक्त आणि पोलिस महानिरीक्षक म्हणून मान्यता देण्यात आली.
अनधिकृत बांधकामांविरोधात मोहीम सुरू केल्याबद्दल पिंपरी-चिंचवड महानगरपालिकेचे आयुक्त श्रीकर परदेशी यांची मुद्रांक शुल्क विभागाच्या महानिरीक्षकपदी बदली केली.
दोन वर्षांच्या प्रशिक्षणानंतर, तिने एका स्पर्धेत प्रवेश केला ज्यामध्ये तिला दिल्ली पोलिसांचे उपमहानिरीक्षक (डीआयजी) धीरज सिंग यांच्याशी स्पर्धा करावी लागली.
दिल्ली येथे विशेष पोलिस महानिरीक्षक असताना पंतप्रधान इंदिरा गांधी यांनी त्यांना १९८२ सालच्या आशियाड क्रीडा स्पर्धेची विशेष जबाबदारी दिली होती.
[49]सुरुवातीला लेह हे नवीन विभागाचे मुख्यालय म्हणून निवडले गेले होते, मात्र निषेधानंतर, लेह आणि कारगिल हे विभागीय मुख्यालय म्हणून एकत्रितपणे काम करतील अशी घोषणा करण्यात आली, प्रत्येक विभागीय आयुक्त आणि पोलिस महानिरीक्षक यांना सहाय्य करण्यासाठी अतिरिक्त विभागीय आयुक्त म्हणून काम करणार आहेत.
inspector general's Usage Examples:
inspector general called the matter "a jaw-dropping example of bureaucratic bungling.
The inspector general of police (nowadays the commissioner of police) was to be the head of the executive police, and received orders.
He said that any suggestion that he violated his duties or the law is malicious and irresponsible and that the inspector general had opted for politics over good judgment.
According to two former officials who read a CIA inspector general's report on the incident, Kappes coached the base chief—whose identity was withheld at the request of the CIA—on how to respond to the agency's investigators.
As inspector general, Alexander Hamilton, who had worked closely with North during the Revolutionary War, subsequently requested him to serve as his chief of staff.
A summary of the year-long report, prepared by the inspector general of the State Department was released by Berman on August 29, 2006.
Claypool resigned as CEO on December 8, 2017, after the school district's inspector general accused him of engineering a full-blown cover-up during an ethics investigation concerning the school system's chief attorney.
The citizens of Colombia cast votes concerning their government, and they employ a public sector office for an inspector general to oversee the public interface.
In 1938 he resigned from the position and was appointed as inspector general of infantry.
The Ohio inspector general became involved and asked to see the coins.
In March of 1799, after eight months of inactive duty, Congress added the role of assistant inspector general to the position.
A month before the election the inspector general of the Ohio General Assembly announced he was investigating three legislators for accepting gifts and failing to report them.
officer, military officer,