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inspectorship Meaning in marathi ( inspectorship शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

निरीक्षकपद, निरीक्षक किंवा निरीक्षकाचे पद,

इन्स्पेक्टर पद,


निरीक्षक किंवा निरीक्षकाचे पद,

inspectorship मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

गजानन माधव मुक्तिबोधांचे वडील माधवराव गोपाळराव हे सब-इन्स्पेक्टर होते आणि इन्स्पेक्टर पदावर ते निवृत्त झाले.

inspectorship's Usage Examples:

his son Tonguç was born, Baykurt returned to Turkey and he resumed inspectorship duty in Ankara.

In 1830, Shipp was offered an inspectorship in the Stepney division of metropolitan police by Sir Charles Rowan;.

November 1869 he was appointed to the second of the two public health inspectorships then created by the privy council, and, on the formation of the local.

He was also examiner under the Civil Service Commission for factory inspectorships.

The inspectorship of the police district was transferred from Cloncurry in 1963 as Mount.

" The inspectorship required him, at least at first, to travel constantly and across much.

On resigning his inspectorship he became rector of Somerby-cum-Humby, near Grantham.

There was a lucky incident during his inspectorship: he discovered two sealed-off bookcases untouched for more than twenty.

By then, however, inspectorships of manufacture had been abolished, so the Roland family decided to move.

He then accepted a school-inspectorship, which he held until he went to teach at Rugby School in 1858.

London teacher training colleges, the Board of Education retained its inspectorship functions, but delegated its authority over the courses and examination.

law, for which he had been trained, on his appointment in 1837 to an inspectorship of prisons.

In later years, Foraker suggested the dispute over the oil inspectorship was a reason for Hanna breaking from him and allying with McKinley,.


post, place, office, berth, position, billet, situation, spot,


e-mail, email, electronic mail, deglycerolize, disarrange,

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