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illuminato Meaning in marathi ( illuminato शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



व्यवस्था, भडकावणे, इंधन, उघड करणे, चमकणे, समजावणे,

illuminato मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

त्यांच्या अमेरिकन ग्राहकांना काय अपेक्षित आहे ते समजण्यासाठी घारापुरीच्या कॉल सेंटर कर्मचार्यांना समजावणे त्याला फार कठीण वाटते.

एखादी गोष्ट नव्याने कळणे, इतरांना सांगणे, समजावणे, प्रसारित करणे ही माहितीची काही उदाहरणे आहेत.

मुख्यता ज्ञानेश्वरी व तुकाराम गाथा या ग्रंथातील अभंग,ओव्या यांचे स्पष्टीकरण करणे व साधारण भाषेत समजावणे .

::::::::ब) वेदांची महती सर्वांना समजावणे.

::::::::ड) वेद हे सर्वसामान्य जनांना समजावणे.

illuminato's Usage Examples:

incarnation, it was a very simple system guided by a manually aimed radar illuminator.

target itself, such as laser sights and infrared illuminators on some night vision devices.

"E" morto Franco Bartoni Dirigente illuminato".

In the Middle Ages dark brown pigments were rarely used in art; painters and book illuminators artists.

After dallying with priesthood, he became a painter, manuscript illuminator, and architect.

soldier for Henry VIII (1545–47) and in Edward VI"s Scottish war (1549) a calligraphist and illuminator on vellum, who was working in England in the reign of.

radar is used to guide a missile, it is often known as an target illuminator or illuminator radar.

crude “rock oil” (now petroleum) that had been cropping up in Western Pennsylvania being used as an illuminatory substance.

"Onyx BOOX Max Lumi, un BOOX Max3 illuminato e più potente! - Notebook Italia".

due to association with Akkadian na-an-na-ru "illuminator, lamp", an epitheton of the moon god.

A limner is an illuminator of manuscripts, or more generally, a painter of ornamental decoration.

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