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illumining Meaning in marathi ( illumining शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

प्रकाशमान, व्यवस्था, भ्रमनिरास, उजळणे, भडकावणे, सुशोभित करा,

फिकट किंवा उजळ करण्यासाठी,


व्यवस्था, उजळणे, भडकावणे, सुशोभित करा,

illumining मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

"प्रेमाची निविदा भडकावणे".

त्याने मंगळवार पोलीस चौकी जाळणे, तेथील पोलिसाना ठार मारणे व जमावाला भडकावणे असे खोटे आरोप ठेवून दि.

illumining's Usage Examples:

imagination all the manifested things of the world; the all-pervading Atman illumining the mind and the senses shines in the intellect (Buddhi) just as the reflection.

intelligence, vitality, a natural grace and poise, sensitiveness, humour and illumining all these that quintessential femininity that fascinates the male.

)— As if it were the sun (illumining) the mighty summit of a mountain, Ravikirtti with the wealth of his character.

They derive all their overt or covert behaviour from the illumining guidance of the holy Prophet, the only guidance worth quest and pursuit.

That is to be found in a guiding and illumining reflective activity.

angels and saints being illuminated by the grace of God, and in turn illumining others.

the divine life, no earnest gropings after truth, no gleams of the all-illumining light.

illumining scenes as strange and picturesque as ever the eye of mortal gazed upon.

stood in the centre of the deal table, shed a feeble yellow ray, dimly illumining the chamber, and making uncouth shapes and shadows on the walls, from.

innermost of which was the King of Glory, in the greatest splendour, illumining and beautifying them all.

can recognize in them no aspirations after the divine life, no earnest gropings after truth, no gleams of the all-illumining light.

the ideologists of the French revolutionaries had given place to the illumining positivism, it was natural that the thought of the first inclined for.

extinguished, and the pale moonbeam shines over rocks, groves, and lakes, illumining scenes as strange and picturesque as ever the eye of mortal gazed upon.


floodlight, illume, light up, lighten up, spotlight, illuminate, lighten, light,


darken, extinguish, overcast, stay, complain,

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