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illumines Meaning in marathi ( illumines शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

प्रकाशित करते, व्यवस्था, भ्रमनिरास, उजळणे, भडकावणे, सुशोभित करा,

फिकट किंवा उजळ करण्यासाठी,


व्यवस्था, उजळणे, भडकावणे, सुशोभित करा,

illumines मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

"प्रेमाची निविदा भडकावणे".

त्याने मंगळवार पोलीस चौकी जाळणे, तेथील पोलिसाना ठार मारणे व जमावाला भडकावणे असे खोटे आरोप ठेवून दि.

illumines's Usage Examples:

radiant; the eye which illumines the face.

the sun-god illumines for her.

Without a touch of vanity, completely natural yet always concentrated, he illumines every frame of the film in which he appears.

A ray of light illumines the town.

price Sunullah Arısoy (2005) Master of condensed poem, of the image that illumines and quietly.

" Sankara explains that knowledge does not destroy or create, it only illumines, that the senses (indriyas) are not the mind, the mind uses them as an.

The difference between the two is that while kevalajñāna illumines directly, syādvāda illumines indirectly.

light comes through a window draped with red curtains on the left, and illumines also a plate of bread and a jug which stand on a table in the left foreground.

the sun-god illumines.

The sunlight enters through a window above to the right and illumines the wall and a corner of the mirror.

great (of) radiancy, who illumines.

Bright sunlight falls from the window high up on the left, and illumines the back wall, on which hangs a picture.

to see and be seen by the eye, with its light so the idea of goodness illumines the intelligible with truth.


floodlight, illume, light up, lighten up, spotlight, illuminate, lighten, light,


darken, extinguish, overcast, stay, complain,

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