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illiterate Meaning in marathi ( illiterate शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

अशिक्षित, निरक्षर (व्यक्ती), ज्यांना लिहिता वाचता येत नाही,


निरक्षर, निरक्षर व्यक्ती, साक्षर व्यक्ती, अशिक्षित व्यक्ती,


अशिक्षित, रंगहीन, निरक्षर, वाचनीय, क्रूर, ज्यांना वाचायचे ते माहित नाही,

illiterate's Usage Examples:

illiteracy, illiterate, literacy, literal, literary, literate, literati, literatim, literation, literator, literature, multiliteral, nonliteral, nonliterary.

Child labour is more common among children of illiterates.

He is an illiterate person and belongs to a village in the suburbs of the city.

999 people in the town were literate, 192 people were illiterate.

centuries were tasked by the Pope to be "a preacher in stone" to the illiterates who populated Europe at the time.

the 21st century, his work, like that of Stepin Fetchit, is sometimes reviled because he was often called upon to play stereotypically lazy, illiterate.

"Alf Collins was an illiterate music hall comic: he styled himself "The wellknown Comedian of His Majesty"s and Drury .

Derg"s TV defending the TPLF was remarkable, particularly for an illiterate person.

Of those who voted, 16%, were illiterate, and special arrangements had to be made to record their previously-open oral votes.

Since they were mostly illiterate, they did not make any attempt to follow the official breed standard, if they even knew one existed.

The produce is very fresh and very cheap, and the market is usually very crowded in the morning with eager housewives excersing their haggling skills with the illiterate farmers.

Joseph Szadkowski of The Washington Times wrote that For the amount of complicated computer stuff going on — frame by frame editing, character motion, voice overlays — even the most computer-illiterate individual should be able to figure this out.

1898Louisiana enacts the first statewide grandfather clause that provides exemption for illiterate whites to voter registration literacy test requirements.


ignorant, uneducated,


civilized, enlightened, educated, illiteracy, literate,

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