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illnesses Meaning in marathi ( illnesses शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

दुष्ट, बम्मो, विमा, वेदना, आजार, आरती, आजारी वाटणे, विकार,


दुष्ट, विमा, वेदना, आजार, आरती, विकार,

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illnesses मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

१२०० मधील मृत्यू maसिकल पेशींचा आजार.

११ ऑक्टोबर २०२१ रोजी, आयसीसी ने कोव्हिड-१९ साथीच्या आजारामुळे गट ब स्पर्धा रद्द केली, हॉंगकॉंगने सर्वोच्च क्रमांकाचा संघ म्हणून पुढील टप्प्यात प्रगती केली.

कॅन्सर हा संसर्गजन्य आजार नाही.

बिल्व या नावाने ओळखली जाणारी ही वनस्पती आतड्यांच्या आजारांवरील एक उत्तम औषध आहे.

येथे त्यांनी वेगवेगळ्या विषाणूंचा अभ्यास करून त्यांची ओळख जगाला करून दिली तसेच त्या विषाणूंमुळे होणाऱ्या आजारांवर देखील  अभ्यास केला.

पडवळामुळे चाई (डोक्यावर जागो जागी टक्कल पडणे) व अन्य आजार बरे होतात.

अन्नाच्या सुरक्षिततेसाठी, अन्नातून दूषितीकरणाचा आणि अन्नजन्य आजाराचा धोका कमी होण्यासाठी फळे योग्य पद्धतीने हाताळणे आणि तयारी यांची सीडीसी शिफारस करते.

मोहिमेनंतर सासवड येथे घरी परतल्यावर चाळीस वर्षांच्या अविश्रांत दगदगगीने पेशवा बाळाजी विश्वनाथ आजारी पडले.

हा एक जनुकीय आजार आहे.

गायीचे दूध रोज पिल्याने कॅन्सर, HIV, ह्दयरोग, रक्तदाब, मायग्रेन सारखे आजार होत नाहीत.

शेवटच्या सहा महिन्यांत त्यांचा आजार बळावला होता.

संपूर्ण स्ट्रॉबेरी वनस्पती औदासिनिक आजारांवर उपचार करण्यासाठी वापरली जात असे.

illnesses's Usage Examples:

and unhealthy, though most of his "illnesses" stem from his mother"s protectiveness.

early as the late 15th century counts and other high-ranking people convalesced here to cure their illnesses.

Physical etiologies such as neurological and cardiovascular illnesses have been directly implicated in both premature and retarded ejaculation as well as in erectile disorder, but the contribution of physiological factors to female sexual dysfunction is not so clear.

Freshers" Flu (or uncapitalised as freshers" flu) is a British English name commonly given to a battery of illnesses contracted by new students during.

He was previously the founder and, for its first five years, executive director of the Vancouver Friends for Life Society, which supports people living with AIDS, cancer and other life-threatening illnesses.

No tremblings know we, and no illnesses.

However, this tactic has essentially backfired on them; because of the lack of genetic diversity among them, the family is ravaged by feeble-mindedness and congenital illnesses which result in sterility and high infant mortality.

Psychogenic disease (or psychogenic illness) is a name given to physical illnesses that are believed to arise from emotional or mental stressors, or from.

With these licensed physician on-site, urgent care centers are able to offer a wide range of services including broken bones, moderate cuts and lacerations requiring stitches, and most common injuries and illnesses.

illnesses and injuries, which require constant care, close supervision from life support equipment and medication in order to ensure normal bodily functions.

The majority of White House intruders have been "pranksters or harmless people with mental illnesses".

the Battle Creek Sanitorium for reasons Sinclair described as "fatigue, overstrain, and nervous illnesses".

” The opening chapter presents the context of Dianetics as human beings being preoccupied with “finding a science of the mind that could not only isolate the common denominator of life and the goal of thought” but also isolate the only source of “strange illnesses and aberrations.


hypermotility, disease, ozone sickness, collapse, unhealthiness, anuria, health problem, growth, malady, gastrointestinal disorder, anuresis, catastrophic illness, prostration, amyloidosis, toxaemia, toxaemia of pregnancy, gas embolism, ill health, decompression sickness, ague, plumbism, aeroembolism, toxemia of pregnancy, air embolism, bends, lead poisoning, sickness, food poisoning, toxemia, saturnism, condition, caisson disease, indisposition, unwellness,


tonicity, abnormality, willingness, wellness, good health,

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