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illness Meaning in marathi ( illness शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



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illness मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

१२०० मधील मृत्यू maसिकल पेशींचा आजार.

११ ऑक्टोबर २०२१ रोजी, आयसीसी ने कोव्हिड-१९ साथीच्या आजारामुळे गट ब स्पर्धा रद्द केली, हॉंगकॉंगने सर्वोच्च क्रमांकाचा संघ म्हणून पुढील टप्प्यात प्रगती केली.

कॅन्सर हा संसर्गजन्य आजार नाही.

बिल्व या नावाने ओळखली जाणारी ही वनस्पती आतड्यांच्या आजारांवरील एक उत्तम औषध आहे.

येथे त्यांनी वेगवेगळ्या विषाणूंचा अभ्यास करून त्यांची ओळख जगाला करून दिली तसेच त्या विषाणूंमुळे होणाऱ्या आजारांवर देखील  अभ्यास केला.

पडवळामुळे चाई (डोक्यावर जागो जागी टक्कल पडणे) व अन्य आजार बरे होतात.

अन्नाच्या सुरक्षिततेसाठी, अन्नातून दूषितीकरणाचा आणि अन्नजन्य आजाराचा धोका कमी होण्यासाठी फळे योग्य पद्धतीने हाताळणे आणि तयारी यांची सीडीसी शिफारस करते.

मोहिमेनंतर सासवड येथे घरी परतल्यावर चाळीस वर्षांच्या अविश्रांत दगदगगीने पेशवा बाळाजी विश्वनाथ आजारी पडले.

हा एक जनुकीय आजार आहे.

गायीचे दूध रोज पिल्याने कॅन्सर, HIV, ह्दयरोग, रक्तदाब, मायग्रेन सारखे आजार होत नाहीत.

शेवटच्या सहा महिन्यांत त्यांचा आजार बळावला होता.

संपूर्ण स्ट्रॉबेरी वनस्पती औदासिनिक आजारांवर उपचार करण्यासाठी वापरली जात असे.

illness's Usage Examples:

About 50% of people report needing time off work with the acute illness.

He died in Cambridge on 28 July 1935 aged 79, following an illness from pneumonia.

Ken Watanabe was originally cast in the role of Kenshin but had to pull out due to his severe illness.

When Man Changwu, who was with Sima Zhao at Shouchun, heard about his father's illness, he left Shouchun and went to Xuchang to see his father.

gained notability as the creator of primal therapy, a treatment for mental illness that involves repeatedly descending into, feeling, and experiencing.

and unhealthy, though most of his "illnesses" stem from his mother"s protectiveness.

Because of his subsequent illness, Rogers' signature does not appear on the actual Declaration document.

DeathDalton died on November 23, 2020 in Los Angeles, California after a long illness.

English equivalent, but "having a bad day," "temperament problem," "mood," "tantrum," "neurosis" and even "chronic illness" may be considered close translations.

Malachowski medically retired in 2017 after serving 21 years because she contracted a tick-borne illness.

A young carer is a young person who cares, unpaid, for a person who has any type of physical or mental illness, physical and/or mental disability or misuses.

early as the late 15th century counts and other high-ranking people convalesced here to cure their illnesses.

coinfections with other Orbiviruses and tick-transmitted encephalitis viruses, complicating the course of illness.


hypermotility, disease, ozone sickness, collapse, unhealthiness, anuria, health problem, growth, malady, gastrointestinal disorder, anuresis, catastrophic illness, prostration, amyloidosis, toxaemia, toxaemia of pregnancy, gas embolism, ill health, decompression sickness, ague, plumbism, aeroembolism, toxemia of pregnancy, air embolism, bends, lead poisoning, sickness, food poisoning, toxemia, saturnism, condition, caisson disease, indisposition, unwellness,


tonicity, abnormality, willingness, wellness, good health,

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