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foisted Meaning in marathi ( foisted शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

स्वीकारा, खरं सांग, प्रकल्प,


स्वीकारा, खरं सांग, प्रकल्प,

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foisted मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

* असा मी असामी, आईचं घर उन्हात, आत्मकथा, आम्ही लटिके ना बोलू, एक झुंज वार्‍याशी, कबड्डी कबड्डी, कस्तुरीमृग, कोण म्हणतं टक्का दिला, खरं सांगायचं तर, गांधी आणि , आंबेडकर, गांधी विरुद्ध गांधी, घाशीराम कोतवाल, चिरंजीव सौभायकांक्षिणी, नकळत सारे घडले, बम्बई के कौए, भले तरी देऊ, मित्र, मी पणशीकर बोलतोय, राहिले दूर घर माझे, वगैरे नाटके.

खरं सांगायचं म्हणजे (इ.

१९५२), खरं सांगायचं म्हणजे (इ.

| देवा शपथ खरं सांगेन (Bhaskar Jadhav भास्कर जाधव).

देवा शप्पथ खोटं सांगेन खरं सांगणार नाही.

देवाशपथ खरं सांगेन खोटं सांगणार नाही.

जेव्हा सिमी आकाशच्या कॉफीमध्ये विष ओतते आणि त्यावर बंदूक रोखते, तेव्हा आकाश खरं सांगतो कि तो अंधळा नाही.

व्हयतो काईच खरं सांगेसका न्हाय.

* देवाशपथ खरं सांगेन.

पण खरं सांगायचं तर आजपर्यंत त्याने साधं एका धार्मिक पुस्तकालाही हात लावलेला नाही', असं भूपिंदर सिंह गोरा यांनी सांगितंल आहेदोन साध्वींवर आश्रमात बलात्कार करणा-या बाबा राम रहीमला, सीबीआय न्यायालयाने प्रत्येकी 10 वर्षे याप्रमाणे एकूण 20 वर्षांच्या तुरुंगवासाची शिक्षा ठोठावली आहे.

foisted's Usage Examples:

The troops had been dispersed in billets among the populace as per counter-insurgency practice of free-quarters where responsibility for the provisioning and sheltering of militia was foisted onto the populace.

of the Yoruba people of Nigeria, smallpox was believed to be a disease foisted upon humans due to Shapona’s “divine displeasure.

feared that the Wallasey Conservative Association would have an outsider foisted on them.

ruling affirmed that written materials that were neither sold to minors nor foisted on unwilling audiences were constitutionally protected, thereby de facto.

where responsibility for the provisioning and sheltering of militia was foisted onto the populace.

are positively the poorest that the dean of football critics has ever foisted upon the public.

decision which Baldi later explained as "a conscious avoidance of reality" foisted upon the production by the local regime.

unscrupulous woman, is supposed to have been barren and therefore to have foisted two sons called Ariarathes and Orophernes.

"US abortion ban should not be foisted on Central African Republic".

' In The Telegraph, Ben Lawrence, in an article on the Forsyte Saga, observed that the series made a star of Porter who, according to some sources, was secretly gay and deeply uncomfortable about the attention which The Forsyte Saga foisted on him.

It had "foisted on us [America] feeble ideas, questionable taste, quackeries and crazes".

He said that if the E-meter 'was suggested to possess mysterious powers' to someone who did not understand that it had 'been thoroughly discredited as a lie detector' then 'that person would be suggestible to ideas foisted on him by the operator'.

He went on to declare the scandal was a manipulative hoax by Nigel Wright foisted on the Canadian public.


impose, inflict, visit, bring down,


lengthen, inflate, natural object, lose, end,

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