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foists Meaning in marathi ( foists शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

स्वीकारा, खरं सांग, प्रकल्प,

दुसऱ्या बाजूला सैन्याने,


स्वीकारा, खरं सांग, प्रकल्प,

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foists मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

* असा मी असामी, आईचं घर उन्हात, आत्मकथा, आम्ही लटिके ना बोलू, एक झुंज वार्‍याशी, कबड्डी कबड्डी, कस्तुरीमृग, कोण म्हणतं टक्का दिला, खरं सांगायचं तर, गांधी आणि , आंबेडकर, गांधी विरुद्ध गांधी, घाशीराम कोतवाल, चिरंजीव सौभायकांक्षिणी, नकळत सारे घडले, बम्बई के कौए, भले तरी देऊ, मित्र, मी पणशीकर बोलतोय, राहिले दूर घर माझे, वगैरे नाटके.

खरं सांगायचं म्हणजे (इ.

१९५२), खरं सांगायचं म्हणजे (इ.

| देवा शपथ खरं सांगेन (Bhaskar Jadhav भास्कर जाधव).

देवा शप्पथ खोटं सांगेन खरं सांगणार नाही.

देवाशपथ खरं सांगेन खोटं सांगणार नाही.

जेव्हा सिमी आकाशच्या कॉफीमध्ये विष ओतते आणि त्यावर बंदूक रोखते, तेव्हा आकाश खरं सांगतो कि तो अंधळा नाही.

व्हयतो काईच खरं सांगेसका न्हाय.

* देवाशपथ खरं सांगेन.

पण खरं सांगायचं तर आजपर्यंत त्याने साधं एका धार्मिक पुस्तकालाही हात लावलेला नाही', असं भूपिंदर सिंह गोरा यांनी सांगितंल आहेदोन साध्वींवर आश्रमात बलात्कार करणा-या बाबा राम रहीमला, सीबीआय न्यायालयाने प्रत्येकी 10 वर्षे याप्रमाणे एकूण 20 वर्षांच्या तुरुंगवासाची शिक्षा ठोठावली आहे.

foists's Usage Examples:

his nephew Dom João de Noronha with a reinforcement of 10 light galleys (foists) to Bahrain, and ordered captain Álvaro da Silveira at Muscat to proceed.

half as messy as all those grisly ghosts-and-ghouls flicks that Bollywood foists upon us, it isn"t a spine-chiller either.

to his every whim, especially with his relationship with Hanka that she foists upon them to curb his philandering.

take on the responsibility and effort of trying the case he withdraws and foists the case onto Willy.

ships to sail, for they were shallow with no keel"; five smaller craft, six foists from Gujarat, and two brigs.

Australian women"s rights were lampooned in this 1887 Melbourne Punch cartoon: A hypothetical female member foists her baby"s care on the House Speaker.

In February 1554, the Portuguese dispatched from Goa six galleons, six caravels, 25 foists, and 1200 Portuguese soldiers under the command of Dom Fernando.

With his usual audacity, The Doctor foists himself upon the local landowner, Lord Ravensworth, who is concerned by.

(Laertes, Fortinbras, and messengers), a vain, self-righteous method actor who foists his values on everyone else and attempts to distinguish his many characters.

Nairn foists Captain Gilliland and his unwanted troop of "Rocket Cavalry" onto Sharpe.

patrolled by four galleys, a half-galley, and twenty small galleys called foists.

Less welcome is a man the Mafia foists onto Anderson – the thuggish "Socks".

construction, [he] foists "thatness" [suchness] upon it, one attains sainthood of the three vehicles… Being deluded in regard to thatness [suchness], one falls.


bring down, visit, inflict, impose,


end, lose, natural object, inflate, lengthen,

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