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foisting Meaning in marathi ( foisting शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

स्वीकारा, खरं सांग, प्रकल्प,


स्वीकारा, खरं सांग, प्रकल्प,

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foisting मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

* असा मी असामी, आईचं घर उन्हात, आत्मकथा, आम्ही लटिके ना बोलू, एक झुंज वार्‍याशी, कबड्डी कबड्डी, कस्तुरीमृग, कोण म्हणतं टक्का दिला, खरं सांगायचं तर, गांधी आणि , आंबेडकर, गांधी विरुद्ध गांधी, घाशीराम कोतवाल, चिरंजीव सौभायकांक्षिणी, नकळत सारे घडले, बम्बई के कौए, भले तरी देऊ, मित्र, मी पणशीकर बोलतोय, राहिले दूर घर माझे, वगैरे नाटके.

खरं सांगायचं म्हणजे (इ.

१९५२), खरं सांगायचं म्हणजे (इ.

| देवा शपथ खरं सांगेन (Bhaskar Jadhav भास्कर जाधव).

देवा शप्पथ खोटं सांगेन खरं सांगणार नाही.

देवाशपथ खरं सांगेन खोटं सांगणार नाही.

जेव्हा सिमी आकाशच्या कॉफीमध्ये विष ओतते आणि त्यावर बंदूक रोखते, तेव्हा आकाश खरं सांगतो कि तो अंधळा नाही.

व्हयतो काईच खरं सांगेसका न्हाय.

* देवाशपथ खरं सांगेन.

पण खरं सांगायचं तर आजपर्यंत त्याने साधं एका धार्मिक पुस्तकालाही हात लावलेला नाही', असं भूपिंदर सिंह गोरा यांनी सांगितंल आहेदोन साध्वींवर आश्रमात बलात्कार करणा-या बाबा राम रहीमला, सीबीआय न्यायालयाने प्रत्येकी 10 वर्षे याप्रमाणे एकूण 20 वर्षांच्या तुरुंगवासाची शिक्षा ठोठावली आहे.

foisting's Usage Examples:

Christianity Today recently argued that such use of popular forms risks "foisting on the world impoverished—even laughable—expressions of those genres.

Vampires are themselves the addicted and the addiction, foisting themselves alluringly upon people who want to dabble in something dangerous.

troublemaker, scheming and murderous, as in the case of Mursili"s wife, foisting her strange foreign ways on the Hittite court and ultimately being exiled.

Deshpande naturally resented this and decided to revolt against this foisting of Marathi on Kannada children, but as a Government servant, there were.

There was anger at Scott"s foisting on the public "a crude, ill-organized abortion".

Aubenas observes, "for the king succeeded in foisting his own candidates upon the electors by every conceivable means, not excluding.

A major industry, dedicated to creating revenue by foisting potentially unwanted programs, has grown among the Israeli software industry.

Argentine Ricardo Sendra being sidelined, Ha showed good dribbling skills, foisting danger upon the opponents goal and gaining the attention of the crowd.

This is to prevent a larger canton from foisting amendments onto the smaller ones and vice versa.

praise this formula of having "local television champions" rather than "foisting Anderson Cooper on the world".

Manufacturers were corrupt, duplicitous monsters who should be barred from foisting their insidious and deadly wares on the innocent public The anti-smoking.

(1691), Dryden complained about having been "imposed on by the booksellers foisting in a play which is not mine," and added a list of the plays and poems he"d.

conditions, extend anti-discrimination laws to cover intersex people and stop foisting surgery on intersex children without consulting them.


impose, inflict, visit, bring down,


lengthen, inflate, natural object, lose, end,

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