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ears Meaning in marathi ( ears शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

समज, मांजरी, कान, धान्याच्या कळ्या, ऐकण्याची जाणीव, ओव्हल ऑब्जेक्ट, सुनावणी, चाल,


समज, कान, धान्याच्या कळ्या, मांजरी, ऐकण्याची जाणीव, ओव्हल ऑब्जेक्ट, सुनावणी, चाल,

ears मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

गावात जवळील रेशन दुकान ५ किलोमीटरहून कमी अंतरावर आहे.

आनंद इंगळे (वसंत कानेटकर).

लुईझियानाच्या दक्षिणेला मेक्सिकोचे आखात, पश्चिमेला टेक्सास, उत्तरेला आर्कान्सा तर पूर्वेला मिसिसिपी ही राज्ये आहेत.

कलम ३७६(f) –नातेवाईक किंवा पालक किंवा शिक्षकाने किंवा विश्वासू किवा अधिकार असणारी व्यक्तीने.

कृष्णकान्तेर उइल (१८७८).

फ़र्ज़ और कानून (१९८२).

सर्वात जवळील माध्यमिक शाळा( कान्हूर मेसाई) ५ किलोमीटरहून कमी अंतरावर आहे.

जर एखाद्या चालकाने एखादी शर्यत पूर्ण नाही केली तर त्याला पुढच्या शर्यतीसाठी गियरबॉक्स बदल्यास परवानगी आहे.

ह्या सहा भाषा वगळता स्पेनमध्ये आस्तुर-लेओनेस, लेओनेस, एस्त्रेमादुरन, कान्ताब्रियन अशा बोलीभाषा देखिल छोट्या प्रमाणावर बोलल्या जातात.

युवा संन्यासी (विवेकानंदांवरील नाटक).

ears's Usage Examples:

Over the years, other Adventist sanitariums were established around the country.

It typically ripens in mid-October, and bears fruit sooner relative to other apple cultivars.

100 mph as it did when he first broke into MLB, but he has become a much craftier and more efficient pitcher over the years.

been going on for about 50 million years already and shows no signs of abating.

, the Hearst mining interests, the territorial government, and Alma Garret's in-laws) who have begun to appear in Deadwood when it begins to show the potential for some degree of wealth.

60 Years of Flight Research at NASA Dryden.

This crest remained in use for only a few years, during which.

print format for 107 years, from 1912 to 2017, then moving to six issues per year, until ceasing print publication and becoming online-only in 2019.

1 drops the bullet, he almost immediately dematerialises to escape Kong, and reappears at a nearby silver pendulum, allowing.

Organisms have been producing mineralised skeletons for the past 550 million years.

However, Daedalus filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in 1997; when the company sold off a few of its properties a few years later, Laws re-acquired Feng Shui.

Post-traumatic stress disorderIn 1982, he was admitted to a Veterans Affairs hospital in Jackson, Mississippi, where he was diagnosed with chronic and severe post-traumatic stress disorder after recounting his actions in the village, as well as his recurring fears that the dead villagers would come back to wreak vengeance upon him.

Preisser served as artistic director and McElroen as executive director for ten years before simultaneously stepping down in early November of 2009.


American gentian, genus Frasera, pyramid plant, Frasera, herbaceous plant, American columbo, deer"s-ear, herb, columbo,

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