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earth up Meaning in marathi ( earth up शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

पृथ्वी वर, झाकणे,

earth up मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

अधिक नांगरणी टाळणे व शेतातील मातीस ओल्या किंवा हिरव्या गवताखाली झाकणे.

यात शिंकताना आपले तोंड आणि नाक झाकणे, तसेच, कोणतीही मळलेली ऊती त्वरित फेकून द्या.

काही ठिकाणी त्यावर मातीची झाकणेही असतात.

(अपन्हुती म्हणजे लपविणे/झाकणे).

काही विलयछिद्रांच्या वरच्या भागावर ट्रॅव्हर्टाईन खनिजाच्या गाळामुळे विलक्षण अशी 'झाकणे' तयार झाली आहेत.

शिंकताना व खोकताना नाक व तोंड झाकणे.

यूव्हीए आणि पसोरालेनच्या उच्च डोसमुळे, पीयूव्हीएमुळे सनबर्न-प्रकारची प्रतिक्रिया किंवा त्वचा झाकणे यासारखे दुष्परिणाम होऊ शकतात.

earth up's Usage Examples:

sensor payloads on the aircraft to service an area on the surface of the earth up to 600 miles (970 km) in diameter, equivalent to more than 280,000 square.

commonly use in small farms or in ridges or rows of vegetables to hoewing or earth up the weeds.

A gold dredge works by having large buckets that pull the gold-bearing earth up into its machinery to be processed, keeping the gold and spewing the waste.

be the massive ramp built using thousands of tons of stones and beaten earth up to the invested city of Masada in the Jewish Revolt.

Seismology can provide a wealth of information on the structure of the earth up to several kilometers deep and are used to increase our understanding of.

The ground anchors force it to go parallel to the earth upon reaching the height of 80 kilometers.

been firmly established on earth up to Toramana, whose footstool had glittered with the sparkling jewels in the crown of kings (that had bowed at his.

dispensations, the Mosaic dispensation continues as a divine administration over earth up until the return of Christ.

At Ait Benhaddou, taller structures were made of rammed earth up to their first floor while the upper floors were made of lighter adobe.


pumped, tense, wired, pumped up,


relaxed, unagitated, easy, unstrain, relax,

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