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earrings Meaning in marathi ( earrings शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

कानातले, आसामी मध्ये अनुवाद:, ढेरी, कोळी, कानबला,


आसामी मध्ये अनुवाद:, ढेरी, कोळी, कानबला,

earrings मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

कोळी राजांना हे बंड मोडता आले नाही, म्हणून पेशव्यांना दरवर्षी 1000 रु.

कोळी, गोंड, गोवारी, ढिवर या चंद्रपूर जिल्ह्यातील मुख्य आदिवासी जमाती दैनंदिन खाद्यान्नात सुमारे २५ रानभाज्यांचा उपयोग करीत असल्याचे समोर आले आहे.

पुढील काळात या भागावर रामनगरच्या कोळी राजांची मालकी होती.

हे कोळी समुद्रातून मासे पकडून ते ताजे असतानाच बाजारात विकतात किंवा सुकवून पावसाळ्यात स्वतःसाठी किंवा विकण्यासाठी ठेवतात.

जयबाजीराव हे क्षत्रिय महादेव कोळी घराण्यातील वारस तथा प्रमुख राजे होते.

लालठाणे, गिरनोळी, सागवे, कोकणेर, चहाडे, खडकोळी, तांदुळवाडी, रामबाग, माकुणसार, विळंगी, खटाळी ही जवळपासची गावे आहेत.

वाल्मीकी ऋषि, वाल्याकोळी, नारद मुनी, क्रौंच पक्षी.

टोकरे कोळी समाजातील लोकांचा व्यवसाय शेती असतो.

झलकारीबाईचा मृत्यूदिन अनेक कोळी संघटना “शहीद दिवस” म्हणून साजरा करतात.

खारवी ही कोळी समाजातील एक पोटजात आहे.

नाविका रे वारा वाहे रे (कोळीगीत, गायिका - सुमन कल्याणपूर; संगीत - अशोक पत्की).

earrings's Usage Examples:

Huynh-Kalanay Interaction Sphere" is characterized by a remarkable continuity in trade goods, including decorated pottery and double-headed pendants and earrings.

jewellery, including 98 brooches, 46 necklaces, 37 bracelets, 34 pairs of earrings, 15 rings, 14 watches and 5 pendants, the most notable of which are detailed.

Often this expression is associated in the mind with a drawing of de Gaulle dressed as an Arab woman, complete with earrings and veil, with only his big nose protruding from the veil.

The Age"s Jo Roberts said that the "slightly goofy" Charlene was a "tousle-headed teenager with an oil rag and hoop earrings".

At Gary's house, Susan sees a TV report about Meeker and Nolan having stolen the earrings, once belonging to Nefertiti.

The men wore skirts rather than trousers, as well as earrings and mantillas.

Jewellery or jewelry consists of decorative items worn for personal adornment, such as brooches, rings, necklaces, earrings, pendants, bracelets, and.

She has two earrings on each ear and a nose stud; the sixth piercing is a hole she has in her head due to a screwdriver-related accident.

to her friends and neighbours, giving expensive earrings to Susan and hand lotion to Chloe Brennan (April Rose Pengilly).

Rings and other types of jewelry including necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, bangles and pendants have.

Xorn, hopped up on the Sublime contrived drug Hypercortisone D at the time, angrily killed her by smashing her metal earrings through her skull.

hair and dangling earrings and black biker boots and snorted whiskey and guzzled gasoline in "89.

It also has an alternate ending included on the DVD, in which Susan and Roberta are invited to Egypt after helping return the earrings.


pendant earring, drop earring, eardrop, jewelry, jewellery,

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