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earning Meaning in marathi ( earning शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

कमाई, बोध, आगमन, संपत्ती,


मास्टर करण्यासाठी, हक्कदार असणे, पात्र होण्यासाठी, कमावणे, आणण्यासाठी, साध्य करण्यासाठी, ताब्यात घेणे, पैसेे कमवणे, मिळत आहे, तोफ, गोळा करण्यासाठी,

earning मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

जेव्हा एखादी संख्या, संख्या स्वरूपात न वाचता, तिच्यातील अंक अनुक्रमे एक एक या पद्धतीने वाचले जातात तेव्हा 'शून्य' ला 'मारु' असे देखिल संबोधले जाते.

यालाच खाते पान क्रमांक (English:- Ledger Folio) असेही संबोधले जाते.

ही सर्व धरणे पुणे जिल्ह्यात असून कुकडी नदीच्या तीरी आहेत त्यामुळे यांना कुकडी प्रकल्प असे संबोधले जाते.

येथे संपादक स्त्रीवादी संशोधनाला स्त्रीवादी प्रॅक्सीस म्हणून संबोधून त्याचे समाज परिवर्तनाचे ध्येय अधोरेखित करतात.

भारतात रुपयास प्रत्येक प्रांतात विविध स्थानिक नावांनी संबोधले जाते:.

शेतकऱ्यांचे स्वराज्य (लेखक - प्रबोधनकार ठाकरे).

ही शाखा प्रबोधन काळामध्ये, खासकरून उच्च साक्षरता प्रमाण असणार्‍या युरोपीय देशांमध्ये शिक्षणाचे एक क्षेत्र म्हणून विकसित पावली.

विवेक आणि न्याय : आधुनिक महाराष्ट्रातील प्रबोधनपर्व.

बालसुब्रमण्यम आणि मदुरई मणि अय्यर आणि सेमंगुडी यांना कर्नाटक संगीताचे २०च्या शतकातील त्रिमूर्ती म्हणून संबोधले जात असे.

त्यामुळे त्याच्या घराण्यात आसिफजाह घराणे असे संबोधण्यात आले.

दासबोधातील दशकांची नावे.

१८११ मध्ये बोधिवृक्ष पूर्ण चैतन्याने बहरलेला होता.

earning's Usage Examples:

Economists estimate that legalization of the illegal immigrant population would increase the immigrants" earnings and consumption considerably, and increase.

Postgraduate education (graduate education in North America) involves learning and studying for academic or professional degrees, academic or professional.

Following her term of office, McCain became co-chair with James Fraser Mustard of The Early Years Study into early childhood learning.

His first essays were mainly literary and poetic, but under the pressure of earning a living he wrote whatever he could find a market for, turning out prose as he put it, at the rate of eighty francs an acre.

average common shares Diluted earnings per share (diluted EPS) is a company"s earnings per share calculated using fully diluted shares outstanding (i.

He died at 59 years old, shortly after learning of the formal suppression of the Society of Jesus in Europe.

MacDonald noted that the add-on weapons system was awesome, and both he and McCandless felt that the restart position system kept the learning curve and difficulty at a reasonable level.

An excellent temper, with a slight degree of subacid humour; learning, wit, and drollery, the more piquant that they were a.

Ron Guidry Ron Guidry autographing a baseball at the Yogi Berra Museum and Learning Center on May 12, 2013 Pitcher Born: (1950-08-28) August 28, 1950 (age 70).

During her career as Interior Minister, she became known as a hardliner, especially when it came to immigration and asylum policies, earning her.

In 2004, he won only 104 races, though his earnings were boosted by his first victory in the Arlington Million.

Journal wrote that: Falster thought that all learning should be brought to bear upon theology, and, like Erasmus, he though [sic] that classical authors could.

DePorter is a past President of the International Alliance for Learning, and a past Chairman of the San Diego Chamber of Commerce's Business Roundtable for Best Educational Practices.


lower-class, propertyless, blue-collar, low-class, working-class,


quality, skilled, noble, middle-class, upper-class,

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