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dynastic Meaning in marathi ( dynastic शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)




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dynastic मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

अनेक टीकाकारांनुसार चीनमधील शेवटचा राजवंश लुप्त होण्यास सिशी कारणीभूत होती.

पुराणात या राजवंशातील विंध्यशक्ती या राजाचे नाव आढऴते.

पश्चिम भारतात सिंधचा राई राजवंश तसेच भिनमाळ, मंडोर, राजपीपळा व भरूच येथील अनेक गुर्जर कुळांची राज्ये यांची सत्ता होती.

हे तीन राजवंश एकमेकांवर सतत संघर्ष करीत होते आणि जमिनीवर वर्चस्व मिळविण्याच्या प्रयत्नात होते.

उडान मधील इमली राजवंशी, एक दुजे के वास्ते २ मध्ये सुमन तिवारी ही भूमिका साकारण्यासाठी प्रसिद्ध आहे.

वाकाटक राजवंशाविषयीच्या संशोधनाची सुरुवात .

मारसिंह,बल्लाळ,गंडरादित्य विजयादित्य व व्दितीय भोज या सर्वच शिलाहार वंशीय राजवंशातील शिलालेख व ताम्रपट करवीरच्या महालक्ष्मी चा साक्षात श्रद्धा भाव आढळून येतो.

२१) पुरिंद्रसेन राजवंश.

५०० या दरम्यान, मौर्य राजवंशाच्या कार्यकाळात या ग्रंथांची निर्मिती झाली.

सन ००२५ मध्ये झिन राजवंशाच्या पतनानंतर गोंगसन शु याने स्थापित केलेले एक स्वतंत्र्य राज्य होते.

dynastic's Usage Examples:

Writing in ancient Egypt—both hieroglyphic and hieratic—first appeared in the late 4th millennium BC during the late phase of predynastic.

The creation of specific eras is a well-known phenomenon marking great dynastical events, such as the Seleucid era (starting in 312 BCE, with the return.

Of the more significant of these early dynastic tombs are one referred to as Covington's tomb, otherwise known as Mastaba T, and the large Mastaba V which contained artifacts naming the 1st Dynasty pharaoh Djet.

of Upper and Lower Egypt" may have been connected with the traditional "smiting of the enemy" in predynastic times, a ritual in which the leader of the.

The members of a royal family may or may not have a surname or dynastic name (see Royal House).

exercised dynastic sovereignty and whose cadets are not entitled to share the princely title, viz the Princes de Beauvau-Craon, von Bismarck, Colonna, von Dohna-Schlobitten.

On 4 April 1905 he exhibited a prehistoric or predynastic urinary calculus found in Egypt by G.

Commonwealth realms, mark the reigning British monarch"s official birthday by granting various individuals appointment into national or dynastic orders or the.

The temple-like nature of the domed building was noted by Speer, who surmised that the building was ultimately intended for public worship of Hitler, his successors and the German Reich, that is, it was to be a dynastic temple/palace complex of the kind Augustus built on the Palatine, where his modest house was connected to the temple of Apollo.

They had five children:Prince Frederick Nicholas (born 3 May 1946) married non-dynastically, Hon.

This seems contiguous with the later dynastic traditions regarding the west as the land of the dead.

Cleopatra was a Ptolemaic dynastic name; it means famous in her father or renowned in her ancestry.

Aristocratic and dynastic families often look back to an ancestor who is seen as the founder and progenitor of their house (i.

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