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dynes Meaning in marathi ( dynes शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


बलाचे एक एकक हे बलाच्या बरोबरीचे असते जे 1 ग्रॅमला वस्तुमान 1 सेमी / सेकंद / सेकंद एक प्रवेग देते,


बॉल युनिट,

dynes's Usage Examples:

This moogerfooger heterodynes the dry audio signal with a carrier wave that is generated by an internal.

Such drugs were usually known as anodynes before the 20th century.

Typically, only one of the heterodynes is required and the other signal is filtered out.

The simplest form of product detector mixes (or heterodynes) the RF or IF signal with a locally derived carrier (the Beat Frequency.

The new signal frequencies are called heterodynes.

never a house for children" in Raoul"s experience, and he has sought "anodynes to loneliness" in ways different than Linda has, only in part because he’s.

characteristics are used to mix two frequencies of laser light to create optical heterodynes.

That unit, now known as the abampere, was defined as the amount of current that generates a force of two dynes.

There will be many mixer products (heterodynes).

35  ⋅ mean Gradient (dynes/cm2) ) 0.

This produced audible heterodynes, shrieks and howls, in other nearby receivers tuned to the same frequency.

In the 19th century, the primary anodynes were opium, henbane, hemlock, tobacco, nightshade ("stramonium"), and chloroform.

Also, the Heterodynes seem to be the least of the 21st Century Corporation's problems as they experience opposition in the form of massive damage claims, lawsuits, rivals and a jealous and antagonistic military who wishes to take back Dai-Guard for themselves.

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