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dysenteric Meaning in marathi ( dysenteric शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

डिसेंटेरिक, आमांश,

dysenteric मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

** दंडाणुजन्य आमांश अविन (अन्यथा विनिर्दिष्ट नसलेला).

पडौक हा वृक्ष एक उत्तम औषधी वृक्षही असून तोंड येणे,व्रण,उष्म्याचे विकार,ताप,आमांश इ.

राष्ट्रीय सार्वजनिक आरोग्य योजनांमुळे भारतातील कॉलरा आणि आमांश (आंव) यासारख्या आजारांचा धोका बराच कमी झाला आहे.

पानांचा रस अतिसार व आमांशात वापरतात.

अतिसार, आमांश पोटात दुखणे इत्यादींसाठी काताची पूड अणि मध घेतात.

पांढरा कुडा किंवा 'इंद्रजव' किंवा 'कुटज' (इंग्लिश: Holarrhena pubescens) मूळव्याध, रक्तस्राव, अतिसार, आमांश, अग्निमांद्य या विकारांतील आयुर्वेदिक औषधीमध्ये कु्ड्याचा वापर होतो.

* () तीव्र अमिबाजन्य आमांश.

dysenteric's Usage Examples:

"On an invisible microbe antagonistic toward dysenteric bacilli: brief note by Mr.

> Pulicaria dysenterica (L.

Infections à bacille pseudo-dysentériques en Algérie (Infections by pseudo-dysenteric bacillus in Algeria) 1916 Bacilles paradysentériques isolés en Algérie.

Selected species Select species formerly in InulaInula dysenterica L.

a number of publications appeared, describing the occurrence of such "spirilla" in cases of "cholera-like" and "dysenteric" disease.

Pulicaria dysenterica, the common fleabane, or, in North America, meadow false fleabane, is a species of fleabane in the daisy family.

His prison experience came to mind in 1772 when he proposed (in a contest sponsored by the Academy of Besançon) use of the potato as a source of nourishment for dysenteric patients.

is a traditional medicinal species which a leaf infusion exhibits anti-dysenteric properties against infectious diseases.

Pyrenopeziza spp Tremella dysenterica — (Brazil) host unknown Tremella encephala — (Europe) host Stereum sanguinolentum Tremella everniae — (China) host.

All sanitary discipline had vanished and dysenteric excrement covered every open space.

Academy of Besançon) use of the potato as a source of nourishment for dysenteric patients.

Rhizome extracts of Hydnora africana are used as an anti-dysenteric treatment in South Africa.

plant"s bark or fruit has been useful in the treatment of bronchitis and dysenteric conditions, or as a mouthwash to treat toothaches.

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