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brace Meaning in marathi ( brace शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

ब्रेस, जोड्या,


आर्म आर्म, जुळे, चिलखत, ड्रिलिंग रिग, ब्रेस,



brace मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

त्या जोड्याची मधुवरस नावाचा ब्राह्मण मंत्री विटंबना करतो.

अर्थातच माश्‍यांच्या शरीरावर पंखांच्या दोन जोड्या असतात.

बगाड जेव्हा डांबरी रोड वर येतो तेव्हा २ ते ३ बैलजोड्या देखील बगाड ओढून नेतात.

गोसाव्याला जोड्यानं नमस्कार केला व राणीला घेऊन आपल्या नगरीं आला.

या प्रतिमानाने ती अर्थव्यवस्था निर्माण होते, जी एखाद्या विमानसेवेला (अंतस्थ जोडणीद्वारे) शहरांच्या जोड्या जोडण्यास, (ज्या अन्यथा, विना-थांबा पद्धतीने आर्थिकदृष्ट्या परवडणाऱ्या असू शकणार नाहीत) परवानगी देऊ शकते.

5 केबीपी किलो बेस जोड्या एवढा जीनोम (सर्वात लहान).

प्रत्येक जोडीला दोन जोड्या नामांकित करायच्या होत्या.

बगाडाला एकूण १२ बैल म्हणजे ६ खिल्लार धष्टपुष्ट बैलजोड्या जुंपलेल्या असतात.

या धाग्यांच्या जोड्या फुटतात व जुळतात.

तर मग तुम्हाला कसे वाचवू शकेल ?” रामाचा नंबर झाला कि, दुसऱ्या देवाला पायातील जोड्याने बडवायचे.

या पानांची लांबी १० ते १५ फुट असून त्यावर शंभर-दीडशे पर्णिकाच्या जोड्या असतात.

ही माहिती केंद्रबिंदूत २३ जोड्या असलेल्या गुणसूत्रांद्वारे साठवली जाते.

brace's Usage Examples:

Living during the Golden Liberty embraced by the Polish nobility, tolerance characterized his oversight and this philosophy was carried on by his sons.

biggest controversies surrounding Dungeons " Dragons has been the game"s prescriptivist approach to race and the way it embraces problematic stereotypes.

” Cathy lifts her head to meet him and they embrace, passionately.

transitional style arm defenses could employ steel pauldrons, leather rerebraces, steel elbow cops and leather vambraces.

In this sonnet he converts the object of observation into a transcendent symbol, the observing subject and seeing object embrace: although the torso is missing its head, the entire statue glows from within, beaming towards the observer like a star and leading to an epiphanic experience: For there is no place / that does not see you.

A bracelet is an article of jewellery that is worn around the wrist.

and purpose", creating on the album a new style which "fully embraced sleaziness" in Tyler"s lyrics, backed by "an appropriately greasy" music.

his appraisal for Slant Magazine, saying "Pink fully embraces his ever-bourgeoning cult status throughout, and with a sense of wild-eyed invention that.

The Bracelets of Submission are a pair of metal bracelets or cuffs worn by Wonder Woman and other Amazons.

Riot called the film "a raw horror romp that embraces its supposed unbelievability to playful, gory effect".

Dominican rock is listened to by the youth of the Dominican Republic who have embraced the music,.

A hologram bracelet or energy bracelet is a small rubber wristband supposedly fitted with a hologram.

Charmbracelet was certified Gold in both Brazil and Hong Kong by Associação Brasileira dos Produtores de Discos (ABPD) and IFPI Hong Kong respectively.


steel, set up, set, prepare, ready, gear up, poise, fix, nerve,


outspan, unyoke, disarrange, divide, disjoin,

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