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braced Meaning in marathi ( braced शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

ब्रेस्ड, जोड्या,

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braced मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

त्या जोड्याची मधुवरस नावाचा ब्राह्मण मंत्री विटंबना करतो.

अर्थातच माश्‍यांच्या शरीरावर पंखांच्या दोन जोड्या असतात.

बगाड जेव्हा डांबरी रोड वर येतो तेव्हा २ ते ३ बैलजोड्या देखील बगाड ओढून नेतात.

गोसाव्याला जोड्यानं नमस्कार केला व राणीला घेऊन आपल्या नगरीं आला.

या प्रतिमानाने ती अर्थव्यवस्था निर्माण होते, जी एखाद्या विमानसेवेला (अंतस्थ जोडणीद्वारे) शहरांच्या जोड्या जोडण्यास, (ज्या अन्यथा, विना-थांबा पद्धतीने आर्थिकदृष्ट्या परवडणाऱ्या असू शकणार नाहीत) परवानगी देऊ शकते.

5 केबीपी किलो बेस जोड्या एवढा जीनोम (सर्वात लहान).

प्रत्येक जोडीला दोन जोड्या नामांकित करायच्या होत्या.

बगाडाला एकूण १२ बैल म्हणजे ६ खिल्लार धष्टपुष्ट बैलजोड्या जुंपलेल्या असतात.

या धाग्यांच्या जोड्या फुटतात व जुळतात.

तर मग तुम्हाला कसे वाचवू शकेल ?” रामाचा नंबर झाला कि, दुसऱ्या देवाला पायातील जोड्याने बडवायचे.

या पानांची लांबी १० ते १५ फुट असून त्यावर शंभर-दीडशे पर्णिकाच्या जोड्या असतात.

ही माहिती केंद्रबिंदूत २३ जोड्या असलेल्या गुणसूत्रांद्वारे साठवली जाते.

braced's Usage Examples:

Living during the Golden Liberty embraced by the Polish nobility, tolerance characterized his oversight and this philosophy was carried on by his sons.

and purpose", creating on the album a new style which "fully embraced sleaziness" in Tyler"s lyrics, backed by "an appropriately greasy" music.

Dominican rock is listened to by the youth of the Dominican Republic who have embraced the music,.

However, due to the Pope's popularity in Argentina, Cristina Kirchner made what the political analyst Claudio Fantini called a Copernican shift in her relations with him and fully embraced the Francis phenomenon.

Lovecraft thus embraced a philosophy of cosmic indifferentism.

Four-inch-thick by foot-wide hewn oak timbers were mortised and tenoned, and fastened with wooden dowels into a diagonal braced frame.

inside impinged (but outside braced) radial piston pump (picture 1).

Harley, musical ambassador of the City of Brotherly love, has been received and embraced by tribal leaders, heads of state and many notables from around the world.

norrøne myter (Eros and death in Norse myths), in which she contrasts the sexualisation of death in, for example, references to drowning as being embraced by.

”Soon after the publication of Little Men, educational advocates and reformers alike “embraced these theories too, arguing their applicability to all children but particularly of the poor, who, it was believed, most needed the moral education a homelike school could offer.

stages of Genesis are thus embraced in a single panorama, suggesting an instantaneousness of Creation according to the interpretation of Philo and Origen.

Laney Griner disliked the "I Hate Sandcastles" meme as she felt it made her son – who in fact loved sandcastles – look like a bully, but she embraced.




unready, unprepared,

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