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brach Meaning in marathi ( brach शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



कडधान्ये, वळण, शाखा, झाडाची फांदी, विभाग,


वेगवेगळ्या शाखांमध्ये ठेवा, विभागांमध्ये विभागणे, वेगवेगळ्या शाखांमध्ये वाढतात, शाखा,

brach मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

कोणीही देवराईतील झाडाची फांदीही तोडत नाहीत.

दुर्गा भागवतांच्या मतानुसार हादगा हे एकाच प्रकारची परंपरा दोन वेगवेगळ्या प्रकारे - हत्तीची प्रतिमा काढून किंवा झाडाची फांदी रोवून - दोन वेगव्गेळ्या समुहांकदून साजरी केली जात असेल आणि परंपरा एकाच उद्देशाने असल्यामुळे परंपरांचे काळाच्या ओघात एकत्रिकरण झाले असेल.

यात झाडाची फांदी दोन तीन ठिकाणी मातीत गाडून त्यापासून एकाच वेळेला 3-4 दाबकलमे मिळू शकतात.

हादग्यातील हत्ती हे जलतत्त्वाचे प्रतीक म्हणूनच येत असावे आणि झाडाची फांदी मात्र हादग्याचे म्हणजे अगस्त्याचे झाड असू शकेल पण त्याची फांदी मिळाली नाही तर कोणत्याही झाडाची फांदी चालून जाणे चालू झाले असेल.

brach's Usage Examples:

Individual plates have been homologized with the valves of brachiopods, and a relationship with the phoronids.

(pseudomoustache toads; 161 species) Leptobrachella Smith, 1925 (Borneo frogs; 80-86 species) Leptobrachium Tschudi, 1838 (eastern spadefoot toads; 37 species).

The term "biceps curl" refers to any of a number of weight training exercises that primarily targets the biceps brachii muscle.

Dental issues, including crowding, brachygnathism (overbites) and prognathism (underbites) are frequently seen, due to having the same.

The copper shark (Carcharhinus brachyurus), bronze whaler, or narrowtooth shark, is a species of requiem shark, family Carcharhinidae, and the only member.

and Madagascan radiations of giant tortoises, including the Aldabra giant tortoise (Aldabrachelys gigantea).

contact surface, to which the shoulderward end of the biceps brachii muscle attaches in these animals.

responsible for oxygen (O2) transport in the marine invertebrate phyla of sipunculids, priapulids, brachiopods, and in a single annelid worm genus, Magelona.

Mississippian times California was home to brachiopods and corals that would later silicify.

Thestor brachycerus, the Knysna skolly, is a species of butterfly in the family Lycaenidae.

facial abnormalities; hand defects, including unusually short fingers (brachydactyly); and distinctive eye (ocular) abnormalities.

Nervous plexus The four primary nerve plexuses are the cervical plexus, brachial plexus, lumbar.

origin on the coracoid, the tendon of the short head runs adjacent to the tendon of the coracobrachialis as the conjoint tendon.

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