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applauded Meaning in marathi ( applauded शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

प्रशंसा करणे, कौतुक करा, समर्थन, टाळ्या, स्तुती करणे,


कौतुक करा, समर्थन, टाळ्या, स्तुती करणे,

applauded मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

विद्यार्थी वाढदिवस: दैनंदिन जीवन संघर्षात आणि रोजीरोटीच्या प्रश्नात ग्रस्त असणाऱ्या आदिवासी कुटुंबात मुलांचे कोडकौतुक करायला आई-वडिलांना वेळ नसतो त्यामुळे वाढदिवस ही कल्पनाच आदिवासी मुलांना माहित नव्हती.

ते लहान असताना त्यांची आई त्याचे खूप कौतुक करायची.

applauded's Usage Examples:

to present the Camille that successive generations have applauded and sniffled over.

Robert Christgau lamented "the production here: Nashville rock at its bigged-up schlockiest, with McBryde belting to match", but applauded the songwriting.

Possibly due to his political nonchalance, Tian was applauded by Huo for being "prudent".

In April 2008 he was widely applauded for his move to break up the Victorian poker machine gambling duopoly starting in 2012.

The Supreme Court"s decision was jeered by Quebec nationalists and applauded by Anglo rights activists.

The audience applauded Méhul but hissed Bouilly.

Star was applauded by those in the grandstands as he returned to the unsaddling area.

[citation needed] Reviews of the song ranged between it being called "clumsy posturing" and applauded that as "things start getting mellower and darker [.

still Roy was applauded by media personalities due to her good looks and unlaboured screen presence.

To be or not to be was often applauded - not for originality but for chasteness of expression.

Chief Minister Adam Giles subsequently stated Elferink's role in prison reform should be applauded.

Julian Hall of The Independent later commented in August 2007, Boom there it is, the deceptive and surprising edge for which she is renowned and applauded by so many of her fellow-comics.

The kids whooped, hollered, cheered, and applauded during the movie.


gesticulate, approve, O.K., bravo, okay, sanction, spat, acclaim, clap, motion, gesture,


disapproval, motionlessness, moving, disapprove, boo,

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