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applaud Meaning in marathi ( applaud शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

टाळ्या, कौतुक करणे,


कौतुक करा, समर्थन, टाळ्या, स्तुती करणे,

applaud मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

१०) समाजातील चांगल्या कार्यांचे कौतुक करणे, व अनैतिक कार्य करणार्याचा कडाडून विरोध केला होता, करत आहेत व करतच राहणार, तसेच त्याला पर्यायी मार्ग काढणार.

applaud's Usage Examples:

to present the Camille that successive generations have applauded and sniffled over.

Robert Christgau lamented "the production here: Nashville rock at its bigged-up schlockiest, with McBryde belting to match", but applauded the songwriting.

and they initially originated spontaneously, when audiences continued to applaud and demand additional performance from the artists after they had left.

The Senate overwhelmingly applauds this decision and lauds Palpatine"s apparent resolve, bravery, and selflessness.

Possibly due to his political nonchalance, Tian was applauded by Huo for being "prudent".

All applauds Abhimanyu and his foes surrounds him.

Further, the scenes of the singing walrus and the applauding seals are lifted directly from Wild Waves, a Mickey Mouse short directed.

In April 2008 he was widely applauded for his move to break up the Victorian poker machine gambling duopoly starting in 2012.

The Supreme Court"s decision was jeered by Quebec nationalists and applauded by Anglo rights activists.

The audience applauded Méhul but hissed Bouilly.

Star was applauded by those in the grandstands as he returned to the unsaddling area.

complainant, complaint, plague, plain, plaint, plaintiff, plaintive, plangency, plangent plaudō -plodō plaud- -plod- plaus- plaus- -plos- clap applaud.

Mingus introduces the songs as if he were speaking to the audience, even admonishing them to not applaud or rattle their glasses.


gesticulate, approve, O.K., bravo, okay, sanction, spat, acclaim, clap, motion, gesture,


disapproval, motionlessness, moving, disapprove, boo,

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