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applause Meaning in marathi ( applause शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

टाळ्या, स्तुती किंवा समर्थनाचे सूचक वाटते,


कौतुक, मोठ्याने स्तुतीचा आवाज, जोरात समर्थनाची चिन्हे, जोरात समर्थन, त्याची कदर कर, टाळ्या, जिंकणे,

applause's Usage Examples:

When the pair arrive at Rhodes's home, they find him speaking with an applause machine replacing the people whose support he lost.

After a thunderous applause from the audience, he is able to accept Lisa as just a friend.

When the scene began, many people in the live audience recognized the bedroom set from The Bob Newhart Show and burst into spontaneous applause.

crowd"s applause encouraged them further: "Wrists were limp, hair was primped and reactions to the applause were classic.

" Everyone applauses the actions that Big Ella took to save Alex"s reputation and the group"s.

plaudō -plodō plaud- -plod- plaus- plaus- -plos- clap applaud, applause, displode, displosion, displosive, explode, explosion, explosive, implausibility.

Toro takes his applause for claiming his latest victim (and pushes a bead across a scoring wire, as in billiards), but it is short-lived because Bugs re-enters the bullring in matador garb.

statement drew laughter and applause from both sides and defused some of the lingering political tension in the debate.

Achilles himself is "the great Myrmidon/Who broils in loud applause" in Shakespeare"s Troilus and Cressida.

last video he recorded for all of us! ️ We continue to duel, a million applauses wherever you are!] (in Spanish).

original and displays a multitude of piquant dance rhythms which are instrumented with much spirit and, amidst tumultuous applause from the select and.

Dizdarević then decided to attempt to bring calm to the situation himself by talking with the protesters, by making an impassioned speech for unity of Yugoslavia saying:This statement received polite applause, but the protest continued.

PremiereThe Hollywood premiere of Born Yesterday was attended by many celebrities and the film was met with enthusiastic applause.


ovation, approval, hand, hand clapping, clapping, round, standing ovation, handclap, commendation,


square, angular, disapprobation, discouragement, disapproval,

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