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backstory Meaning in gujarati ( backstory ગુજરાતી ભાષામાં આ શબ્દનો અર્થ શું છે?)




backstory's Usage Examples:

As a literary device, backstory is often employed to lend depth or believability to the main story.

Written by James Goss, the first series' website sheds some light on Jack's backstory in the years he worked for Torchwood.

The character was given a backstory linking her to two characters already established in the serial; she is.

Origin and backstoryTerra Obscura first appeared in Tom Strong #11 (January 2001).

The fast-paced gameplay of Cave Story revolves around Quote, a robot who wakes up suffering amnesia and who must explore and blast his way through cavernous areas in order to figure out his backstory and escape from the cave.

the exploration of backstory and lore around the Battle of Ostagar, a pivotal moment in the franchise"s in-universe narrative, as well as criticism for.

Aspects of the character's backstory—both prior to meeting The Doctor, and during his many decades living on Earth—are gradually revealed over Torchwood (and to a lesser extent, Doctor Who) through the use of flashback scenes and expository dialogue.

She worked with Mukherji to provide a backstory to her character and researched the era by reading The Other Side of Silence; filming in the barren landscape of rural Jharkhand was physically daunting for her.

Silent Hill 2 is set in another area of the town, and explores some of Silent Hill's backstory.

The tapeworm's monologues, which grow lengthier and more eloquent as the novel progresses, explain Bruce's backstory and how he became the person presented to the reader.

Before this reappearance Morrison built up the character"s backstory, starting in 1997 with more.

ordinary hotel elevator, and present the riders with a fictional backstory in which people have mysteriously disappeared from the elevator under the influence.

Complex writers praised his dark backstory, saying that Kazuya became increasingly attractive over time, calling him the greatest character of the franchise.

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