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शिकायत के साथ Meaning in English

शिकायत के साथ शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : with complaint

शिकायत-के-साथ हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

हार्नर ने टिप्‍पेट्स के प्रारंभिक एनिमेटिक्‍स में रैप्‍टर्स के सिनेमा की भाषा को इस शिकायत के साथ खारिज कर दिया, '[डायनासोर] के पास यह करने का कोई रास्‍ता नहीं है!' हॉर्नर की सलाह के अनुसार, स्पिलबर्ग ने इस बात पर जोर दिया कि टिप्‍पेट जीभ को बाहर निकालते हैं।

हालांकि, वेड एक पीठ शिकायत के साथ पहले मैच से बाहर हो गए और एरॉन फिंच पर कप्तान के रूप में ले लिया।

"" शिकायत के साथ शुल्क की राशि क्रमशः एक लाख पर सौ रूपये, पांच लाख तक की राशि पर दो सौ रूपये, दस लाख तक की धनराशि पर चार सौ रूपये तथा बीस लाख रूपये तक की धनराशि पर पांच सौ रूपये का बैंक ड्रा्ट अथवा पोस्टल आर्डर द्वारा जो अध्यक्ष जिला फोरम के नाम देय होगा, जमा करानी होगी।

एक ग्राहक द्वारा तले हुए आलुओं को इस शिकायत के साथ वापस भेजे जाने पर, कि वे बहुत मोटे तथा लिजलिजे हैं, उस रिसौर्ट होटल के शेफ जॉर्ज क्रम उत्तेजित हो गए तथा उन्होंने आलुओं की बहुत पतली फांकें काटने का निर्णय लिया।

शिकायत के साथ शुल्क की राशि क्रमशः एक लाख पर सौ रूपये, पांच लाख तक की राशि पर दो सौ रूपये, दस लाख तक की धनराशि पर चार सौ रूपये तथा बीस लाख रूपये तक की धनराशि पर पांच सौ रूपये का बैंक ड्रा्ट अथवा पोस्टल आर्डर द्वारा जो अध्यक्ष जिला फोरम के नाम देय होगा, जमा करानी होगी।

यह आम तौर पर शिकायत के साथ ही दायर किया जाता है।

शिकायत-के-साथ इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The opera shocked the moral sensibilities of audiences and was met with dissaproval, including many audience members walking out during the shocking final scene and with complaints to the company's board.

Members of the Loral security team braved the toxic environment around the crash site to recover sensitive components, returning with complaints of bulging eyes and severe headaches requiring oxygen therapy.

This led to a significant increase in public use of the PCC, with complaints about the press rising from 2,630 in 2002 to 4,698 by the time Meyer retired as chairman.

The Financial Ombudsman Service can deal with complaints from consumers about most financial matters including, for example: banking, insurance, mortgages, pensions, savings and investments, credit cards and store cards, loans and credit, hire purchase and pawnbroking, financial advice, stocks, shares, unit trusts and bonds.

Cult like criticisms persist into the modern day with complaints of “luring and brainwashing the youth,” though these claims remain unsubstantiated with most colonies being mildly isolated and viewed favorably by the Mexican government.

The album received mixed critical notices, with complaints stemming from Sinatra's specified style of isolated performance wherein he was never joined by his duet partners in the studio, an artificial method of record production which lacked the elements of personal collaboration and spontaneity.

The scandal began with complaints from two Chinese female citizens about being stripped, having their breasts groped, and being forced to do squats (this has been described as 'ear squats' in most reports, meaning they were touching their ears as they did squats).

However, the practice was met with complaints from consumers, and Open Text abandoned the idea within a few weeks.

17 December – Cabinet agrees to establish a Human Rights Commission to deal with complaints of discrimination on the grounds of race or on other grounds prohibited by future Commonwealth laws.

Scorn is also invoked for Julius's decision to pursue certain points, with complaints variously dismissed as "palpably groundless", "obviously hopeless" and "devoid of any merit".

Sailors heavily criticized the white brick lighthouse with complaints that the light was too weak and too low to be seen before ships were on the reefs near the cape.

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