वकालतनामा Meaning in English
वकालतनामा शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : power of attorney
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
उत्तोलन की शक्तिमन की शक्ति
जनमानस की शक्ति
शक्ति समाप्त करना
पावर प्लांट
पावर प्वाइंट
बिजली पाइंट
शक्ति राजनीति
सत्ता खींच
बिजली के अलग धकेलना
बिजली रेंज
विद्युत नियामक
बिजली क्षेत्र
बिजली सेवा
बिजली की दुकान
वकालतनामा हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
"" इस कानून में यह अनिवार्य है कि हर वकील किसी भी न्यायालय, न्यायाधिकरण और प्राधिकार में वकालतनामा दाखिल करने के लिए निश्चित मूल्य के टिकट लगाए।
यह आवश्यक था कि सब अधिवक्ता वकालतनामा लेकर ही पक्षनिवेदन करें।
वकालतनामा इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The attorney must ask the family of the suspect if they have appointed anyone else, and if not the investigator or judge gives them power of attorney.
For example, in some states within the United States and for academic-based programs, a person must make the decision to donate their remains themselves prior to death; the decision cannot be made by a power of attorney.
While ill, Andrew Cooke grants power of attorney to Ebenezer and reveals that, after the death of their mother, Ebenezer and Anna were nursed by a woman named Roxanne Edouarde.
His friend and neighbour George Worrall claimed that Fisher had returned to his native England, and that before departing had given him power of attorney over his property and general affairs.
The police find that Keiko's mother never signed power of attorney papers for Dojima, but a parole violation meeting for Takuro causes him to be sent back to prison for a year.
The attorney-in-fact holds a power of attorney status over the reciprocal and is authorized to administer the reciprocal exchange and run the day-to-day operations of the carrier, including issuing policies, managing investments and handling claims.
A borrower can allow a specialist currency manager to manage their loan on their behalf (through a limited power of attorney), where the currency manager will switch the borrower's debt in and out of foreign currencies as they change in value against the base currency.
Field arranged for the farm to be purchased by one of his firm's clients, Leonard Dennis (Lennie) Field (no relation), who had come into some money as he was power of attorney over the affairs of his brother, Alexander Field who was serving time in prison.