बिजली सेवा Meaning in English
बिजली सेवा शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : power service
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बिजली की दुकानसत्ता का समाधान
पावर स्टेशन
बिजली का केन्द्र
सत्ता संरचना
बिजली की आपूर्ति
बिजली व्यवस्था
विद्युत व्यवस्था
शक्ति परीक्षण
धारन करने की शक्तिवाला
धारन करने की शक्ति
शक्ति ट्रेन
बिजली टाइपराइटर
प्रेस के निचे की सत्ता
बिजली इकाई
बिजली-सेवा इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
With this new asset, she returned to Guam on 26 October to provide ship-to-shore power services until the end of the year.
Steffens notes at the end of this article that the city's new mayor, John Weaver, appears to be a good mayor: he had killed "macing" bills in the state legislature that would have allowed machine-connected companies to buy control of city water and power services.
However, phones and power services were disrupted and many roads were blocked due to extensive flooding.
Communications and power services were disrupted, suspending information from the island's interior.