बिजली पाइंट Meaning in English
बिजली पाइंट शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : power point
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बिजली-पाइंट इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
This is determined by power points, awarded to each game's winning team and based on the size of the school that is defeated and the score of the game.
Animated television series about apes Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) or sometimes just power point tracking (PPT), is a technique used commonly with wind turbines and photovoltaic (PV) solar systems to maximize power extraction under all conditions.
This load characteristic is called the maximum power point (MPP).
This is known as the maximum power point (MPP) and corresponds to the "knee" of the curve.
Maximum power point trackers utilize different types of control circuit or logic to search for this point and thus to allow the converter circuit to extract the maximum power available from a cell.
If a full Power-voltage (P -V) curve is available, then the maximum power point can be obtained using a bisection method.
Thus by varying the impedance seen by the panel, the operating point can be moved towards peak power point.
Maximum power point trackers may implement different algorithms and switch between them based on the operating conditions of the array.
It is referred to as a [climbing] method, because it depends on the rise of the curve of power against voltage below the maximum power point, and the fall above that point.
The incremental conductance method computes the maximum power point by comparison of the incremental conductance (I_\Delta / V_\Delta) to the array conductance (I / V).
The incremental conductance method is based on the observation that at the maximum power point.
Therefore, the maximum power point is achieved when the incremental conductance is equal to the negative of the instantaneous conductance.
The characteristic of the power-voltage curve also shows that: when the voltage is smaller than the maximum power point, dP/dV > 0 , so dI/dV > -I/V ; when the voltage is bigger than the maximum power point, dP/dV or dI/dV .