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शक्ति राजनीति Meaning in English

शक्ति राजनीति शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : power politics

शक्ति-राजनीति हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

"" इसका सम्बन्ध शक्ति राजनीति (Power politics) आर्थिक शक्ति एवं विचारधाराओं के संघर्ष से है।

शक्ति राजनीति की व्यवस्था में भौतिक शक्ति के प्रयोग का भय सदा बना रहता है।

यहाँ यह ध्यान देने योग्य हैं कि विधायक दल के नेता व्हिप जारी करने की शक्ति राजनीतिक दल देता है इसलिए यह व्हिप राजनीतिक दल की ओर से जारी की गई मानी जाती हैं।

इससे शक्ति राजनीति का जन्म हुआ।

शक्ति-राजनीति इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The Rastatt Treaty is associated with changes in European politics, associated with the shift to the balance of power politics.

It is often used to refer to a strategy in power politics whereby a state tries to get another state to deter or fight an aggressor state while it remains on the sidelines.

The victory at Fehrbellin had an enormous psychological impact: the Swedes, long considered unbeatable, had been bested and Brandenburg alone had prevailed against Swedish and French power politics.

The PPP came in power politics after the loss of East-Pakistan in 1971.

The Renaissance Papacy is known for its artistic and architectural patronage, forays into European power politics, and theological challenges to papal authority.

The papal elections were marked by battles between various secular and ecclesiastical factions frequently entangled in the power politics of Italy.

The Egyptologist Miroslav Verner considers a speculative connection between the Turin Canon's listing him "as the founder of a new dynasty" and the original project, though he also considers the possibility of religious reasons and power politics as well.

By this time the diminishing impact of the Benedictine reform movement in general and of its inmpct at Bursfelde Abbey in particular meant that control over Bursfelde was of reduced importance in terms of the political power politics of the great families in the region.

These efforts were not possible without learning the complex role in power politics played by the Archdiocese of New York.

However, the members of this government-backed Socialist Party expressed concerns over the lack of commitment from Busch who was more accustomed to the absolute command structure of the army rather than the more cooperative civilian power politics.

The exact composition of the states within the Myelat area has changed through history, dependent on vagaries of local power politics as well as approval by the Burmese court.

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